Buying Christmas Seafood in Melbourne

Hi all.

I've always been tempted to go to the Queen Vic market early on Christmas Eve to nab some fresh seafood but wasn't sure if it was worth the effort - we are near Ringwood in Melbourne's East so it's a bit of a hike.

Am I better off going to Costco. (2 mins away) or somewhere else….?



  • I was there this morning picking up the turkey and the seafood looked incredible.
    Costco is good, but depends what you want. If it’s just prawns they’re probably just as good. Oysters, fish, probably not.
    Queen Vic is a long way, there might be somewhere closer. I’m thinking maybe Box Hill or something? Though not sure.

  • +2

    about 20 years ago i was a kiddo of a fruit trader at the QVM. Everything is super fresh, no doubt about it. But the same is probably true at most places, turnover is so fast during xmas, it's near impossible to get old stuff.

    Price wise, the QVM isn't gonna be cheaper than else where. QVM is no longer a cheap place to shop, its just an institution. My folks went yesterday, and thought nothing is worthwhile buying that they couldnt get else where. Only the fact they still have friends at some shops and got small mate discounts that they went.

    • Where would you recommend people shop if they want decent quality at a reasonable price? All year, not just festive times

      • My parents shop around. They are experts IMHO in buying good quality well priced food. My mum knows a good price and quality like the back of her hand. She shops all around her local plus markets like QVM + Footscray and colesworth.

        My only tip is, first get to know price, what’s normal what’s cheap. That sets your base, avocados as an example, is now normal price. Around $2ish. Quality wise for avos is pretty easy, just don’t get soft ones, buy firm and let it ripen ar home. But here’s the last thing, size matters with per dollar fruits. So an avo that’s size 16 in a box is normal, Aldi for instance sells 20+ in the box. So it’s really small, and you can’t use the same $2 as a good price. But sometimes colesworth, with national pricing but varying size in stores has size 12 avos at $2ish. Now that’s bargain.

        So long story short, learn what’s good, shop around. There is no one place

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