Affordable men’s tights/shorts

I do a reasonable amount of hiking and walking and wear tights/Lycra shorts under my regular clothes to help with keeping ticks/leeches off my legs, chafing and so on.

I used to buy the Aldi ones but the last lot have not lasted. It seems a big jump in price to name brands (Nike, 2XU etc). Any recommendations for something decent but okay price?

My wife can grab basic tights for $10 from Shein so was even considering trying from there, although the quality seems pretty low. Guess I’m looking for something between Aldi and 2XU in terms of price … oh and something other than black would be nice …


  • +1

    Shopback and UnderArmour - they have a good sale online atm too.

  • +1

    Do you need the compression aspect, or would something like StepOne boxers work for you? That's what I wear daily to stop chafing, as they have lycra where the thighs rub and they don't ride up on me. All the pairs I've got have lasted 12+ months each, and they're on sale reasonably often.

    For reference, I've got pretty thick thighs and the last "hike" I did was ~4hrs at 32c pushing through thick vegetation in a very hilly area helping with a missing person search event. No chafing at all.

    • Not so much compression, but certainly length for when hiking (leg covering) for when it's not too warm to wear long stuff. I've tried StepOne before and found it a bit ho-hum, but might try it again as that was many years ago.

      • I always used to chafe walking anywhere until I got step 1s… i have the longer ones as I've got bigger thighs. I also do a whole lot of hiking and haven;t had any chafing issues, though they aren't long enough to stop leeches haha. I use these thin Nike long pants tucked into socks to stop the leeches attaching to my skin -…

  • -1

    Kmart bamboo

  • -1

    What are your pronouns for the Shein gear

  • Buy the 2xu second hand?

    • You mean outlet? Have looked there now and then but never really cheap.

      • Second hand, as in some other human has worn it before.

        • +1

          "Second hand, as in Some Human has worn it before."

  • +1

    Consider Decathalon - big sports/adventure store available in Sydney (originally from Europe somewhere). They ship Australia wide.

    Have tried some of their clothes, would last 12m+

  • KMart is the place to be… (well at least for me…)

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