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Small Mystery Snail $5.99 + $9 Postage ($12 Express, $0 C&C) @ Sydney Aquascapes


Mystery snails are lovely gold snails, they can grow up to 4cm and will eat algae, dead plant matter and leftover food your shrimp or fish missed helping keep the aquarium clean. Unless your tank is massive however, you will likely have to feed them extra food. They may not get all their food just from the leftovers in the tank.

Recommended temperature range is between 21C to 26C. You usually do not need a heater for indoor tanks with them but will need one for out-door tanks.

The ones you get will be about 1-2cm in diameter.

Feel free to ask any questions here!

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Mystery Snail sounded way cooler until I realised it was… just a snail.

    • +5

      It can be as cool as your imagination wants it to be :)

      …Or if you happen to love snails, you don't really need your imagination.

  • +2

    Yum !!!

  • Something to scare wifey!

    • +3

      Don't forget to buy the little white sheets as well!

      • +1

        The holes for the eye stalks might give it away though

  • +1

    I'm more curious as to how these are posted? I'm just picturing them in a padded auspost bag or… ? 🤔

    • +1

      Inside a box, double bagged in a breather bag with padding.

      • Don't they get sick having their world turned upside down / shaken?

        • I don't think snails are susceptible to motion sickness

  • Then they turn into the critter from Stranger Things.

  • +2

    Speaking of snails - Hypothetical: would you accept $10 million in exchange for having a snail follow you wherever you go for the rest of their life that will kill you upon being touched? The snail is immortal and unrelenting. Can board planes. Cannot avoid/befriend with a Charisma (Persuasion) check.

    • +2

      Damn, just missed posting this first, BUT, mine is 90% less, so, more ozbargain?

    • +1

      How much time do you have before it reaches you?

      • Depends how much you want to live?

        Forgot to mention you and the snail are immortal as part of this. At least till the snail catches you.

    • $10m is not enough to set up for intercontinental travel between owner-occupied homes for life so no. Make it $100m

      • +1

        Travel is free because you got a lot of sponsors as part of this watching the ultimate game of cat and mouse (or in this case human and unrelenting snail assassin)

        • +1

          240 years to get around the globe, I reckon I could do it

    • If the snail's speed is similar to a garden snail (0.045 km/h) it'll take ~23 years to travel 10000km. So just a buy a few houses in nice locations around the world, move every 15-20 years or so, no problem.

      • What if it crawls onto a lettice that gets loaded onto a truck, that travels to your supernarket, then waits to ambush you - it is unrellenting….

      • It's an immortal snail assassin , im sure it has access to ancient snail assassin connections.

    • +1
  • Dis u?
    "You and a super intelligent snail both get 1 million dollars, and you both become immortal, however you die if the snail touches you. It always knows where you are and slowly crawls toward you."

  • Where are you located for C&C?

    • Ultimo, Sydney.

  • Escargot?

  • Would these need a filter?

    • +1

      Unless its a very big tank with loades of plants yes it needs a filter.

  • I have a large snail from Sydney aquascapes (I am in Melbourne).
    Arrives, all padded and box etc.

    It's been a good addition to the tank, they are fun to watch and keep the glass clean.
    Just have to be careful as they are hermaphrodites (can have babies on their own).
    mine laid eggs 3 days after arrival and I removed the eggs before they hatched.

    • and I removed the eggs before they hatched.


      • They can hatch 2-3 per egg and it's like 50-100 eggs. So that would be a big problem with the aquarium, especiallly raising the ammonia and nitrate levels.
        I considered keepin a couple of eggs, but it's hard to pick them off.

        • +1

          2-3 per egg and it's like 50-100 eggs.

          At $5.99 per snail, you potentially threw away $599 - $1,797

          • @jv: This guy ozbargains.

          • @jv: Hahaha I guess. But I'll need an aquarium dedicated for it.
            Also my time for maintenance of the water plus food ,electricity, equipment.
            You'll end up with a negative profit.

            • +1

              @Elias11: Oh no, I've been found out!

  • Calling it a mystery snail feels like false advertising


    • Thats their litteral name tho >.<

      • I know. It was rhetorical sarcasm, hence the /s

        • Oh no, i mean their name is litteraly false advertising ;P

  • +1

    Come to my garden any night and you can collect free as many snails and slugs as you want.

    • Oh good sir, are you bechance inviting thy royal heiny to a sumptuous last supper?? Charming! Spendid!

  • I have had several for years and never any eggs in either tank , but now I'm a litttle confused. I read they are not hermo ?

    "It’s a common misconception that mystery snails are hermaphroditic, meaning they can change their sex or that they can both fertilize eggs and lay eggs, and that they can reproduce asexually, or without a mate. However, mystery snails are dioecious, which means that males and females are distinct and cannot change. What this means for you is that if you’ve only got one mystery snail and she’s laid a few clutches of eggs, it’s unlikely she’ll lay more in the future without a mate."

    So could anyone pls confirm, if so how do i know the sex of these smails. The last 2 left I have like an extra antenna out the side ( much thicker though and can stretch out to 3-4cm ) and often the snails mount each other, i guess they can't really tell until they are onboard maybe … anyone have any advice on how to breed these guys. I only need another 30-40.
    Do i need a few females or to lower the waterline further, its always been 5-6cm under the glass lid but never any eggs.

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