Removing Tough Powdercoating Particles from Dashboard

Hi, my car has some particles that have sunk into the dashboard, (from my dad and his powdercoating job when he borrowed my car), i've been looking into ways of cleaning it off, tried dashboard cleaner, multipurpose cleaner, cleaning sponges, e.t.c, anyone got any ideas of some cleaner that dosen't damage the plastic and cleans the stuff off?

I would upload a picture, but don't seen an option for it, new ozbargain forum uploader here!

Basically it's a bunch of tiny white particles sunk into the dashboard.


  • A drop of hand sanitiser.

    Alcohol does wonders.

  • Surely you would ask a powder coater. Do you know anyone?

  • Can you "mechanically" remove it? (scrape each tiny dot away with your finger nail?)

    I've also heard of using a Clay bar to mechanically remove it - not sure how well this will work on the interior of a car but works great on the paint.

    Failing that I don't think you'll find a chemical that'll remove powder coat overspray without damaging the surface, but I'd try (in this order)

    Isopropyl Alcohol.


    Methylated Spirits.

    If they don't work:

    Some say WD-40 can also work wonders for this type of thing (use some caution and test on a non obvious spot).

    If they still don't work (caution here), perhaps try mineral turpentine But 100% test this on a non obvious spot to ensure it doesn't destroy the surface.

    Though, I doubt any of the chemical approaches will work since powder coated surfaces tend to be tough as hell and impervious to cleaners etc.

    • If all fails, powder coat the dashboard!

      • And this is why nbn gets paid the big bucks!

        Clearly gets the $250k standard OzBargain wage with the company AGM for personal use and investment.

  • If all fails have you considered a dash mat?

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