Laser Podiatry for Toe Fungus?

Hi everyone.

Considering doing laser for toe fungus, as creams don't work.

Have people had good success with it? How much were the costs? I think its pricey. Any recommendations around the Melbourne / northern suburbs area please.

Thanks for reading.

Edit: have seen GP already, he advised laser and avoid drugs.

Edit2: podiatry 1, yes sanding it down monthly with their cream daily, got to the 3rd tube and kind of gave up.


  • +7

    any pictures?

    • +3

      Oh hell naahh!

  • Have you seen your GP firstly?

  • +1

    That reminds me, The Last of Us is a pretty good show

    • Yes, because watching awkward and unattractive teenage girls femsplaining survival tactics to elite veterans is tight !

      • That's an odd criticism mate

  • +1

    All those stuff were not effective when i had the same issue. Perscription medicine from the GP was a long journey, but i am now free from the fungus. Consider seeing a GP for this :D

  • Conserding doing laser for toe fungus as creams dont work.

    Are you using creams for Coles or from your GP? Also for how long? Fungal treatment for toenails can take 6 months or more.

  • -5

    It's better if you just keep your feet clean in the first place.

    • In my experience, you get the fungi the moment you step into the work shower after that lunch run.

      Thongs/Flip Flops in the shower are the only way.

      It the cleaning (in this scenario) that was the precursor to the infection.

      • Thongs/Flip Flops in the shower are the only way.

        Or you can spray your feet with disinfectant and dry them thoroughly afterwards.

        • True, though - I'm not sure I prefer adding disinfectant to my feet after every shower in a shower that's not mine.

          But you're right, it'd likely do it.

          • @iDroid: just use the covid gel they have there.

            it will work fine.

            • +1

              @jv: Oh, I never questioned if it'd work fine - I totally agree it'd work.

              A few other things that will certainly work:

              • Fire
              • Hydrochloric Acid
              • Sulfuric Acid
              • Chloroform

              There's a big list… Just I don't think whacking some of them on your feet is better than protecting them.

              • @iDroid:

                A few other things that will certainly work:
                * Fire
                * Hydrochloric Acid
                * Sulfuric Acid
                * Chloroform

                or just get one of these for 50 cents.

                It should last a while, not leave any residue and help dry your feet.

  • i take it you have sanded/grinded back the affected area the nail? i pretty sure creams won't work through nail

  • I know you said "creams don't work", but have you tried something like Canesten (clotrimazole) - it needs to be applied twice daily (morning and night) to clean feet for many weeks or more correctly, months if you can. Apply it to your whole foot (feet) and in and under those nails.

    Once it's under control maintain twice daily treatment and replace shoes. Wash all bedding and underwear (even better - all washing) with "Canesten Laundry Rinse" to have the best chance of it not returning as soon as treatment is stopped. Clean the shower to make sure it's not waiting for you to return!

  • +1

    Contact a compounding pharmacist and get them to make up some Castellani’s Paint. An old solution that had worked on fungal infections for the past 50 years. Will cost about $50 a bottle and worth every cent!

  • +2

    Pills from the doctor will trash your liver

    • And from what I read online, it'll still return when treatment stops (after 3 - 5 years)..

      Remember kids, I likely read this on reddit - so it's gospel. Ok!

      • +1

        You are correct, I can confirm.

        • I confirm also, everything on reddit is gospel.

  • Wow laser being an option is scary. There are plenty of non-invasive ways to treat it, but of course any of them will take more effort. Topical treatments are usually twice a day stuff, and there's acupuncture, among other things. I'm guessing you wanted it gone yesteryear so there's no point in even trying. It is interesting though, the location of the infections tells the story of your body and hence very important diagnostic tool.

    • lol acupuncture will do diddly-squat for nail fungus (or anything else for that matter)

      • Good point, you most certainly need to stay away from it :)

  • You produce urea through the expelling of urine. This may help, it's free, but some consider it gross. Some of the medications provided to treat fungus contain urea.

    Basically, if you are willing to, try peeing on your nails, & see if it has an effect.

    Quite the ozbargain.

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