Unlocking Vodafone Pocket Wi-Fi

can these be unlocked free from Vodafone?


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    As a general rule postpaid devices can be unlocked free and prepaids attract a fee of $75 or $25 depending on how long ago it was purchased.

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      As a general rule postpaid devices can be unlocked free

      Not with these. Last year they wanted $75 to unlock mine which is just about out of contract now. I got it done elsewhere for $15 and hubby promptly lost it while travelling a week later.

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    Exactly what 'a a a' said above.

    If you can't get a free unlock from Vodafone, then you can possibly unlock it for free yourself — depends on your model. Just bought a Pocket Wifi 2 (E585u-82 model) and in my searches for a free unlock, found that the original Pocket Wifi 2 (E585) can be unlocked free (the unlock code is in the device itself; just need the right software to read it — Google for it, it wasn't overly hard to find). In my case, this newer model apparently encrypts the unlock code - so I opted to pay the princely sum of $3 to someone on eBay — and the code they sent me for my IMEI worked flawlessly. Sure beats $25 to Vodafone.

  • thanks guys!! ive bought it now so hopfully the unlocking all goes to plan!!!

    i have the same E585u-82 model so ill see if google will be my friend. im not very tech savy

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    i unlocked it myself mate.
    is it the black version? do some googling for the huawei model and you'll eventually find some guides.

    • The do it yourself does not work with wifi2

  • If you can unlock them like that.. can you unlock normal 3g usb sticks from voda or any of the others (optus etc)?

  • Friend & I each got a wifi2 on sale couple weeks ago. Mine unlocked fine at VF link in 2nd post but not so lucky with the other unit which fell prey to $25 request fee. Hopefully free solution will appear down the track?

  • damn google didnt help

  • +1

    Thank you

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