Intersate Car Sale Issue - Dealer Sold Car but New Owner Hasn't Transferred to Their Name

Hi Guys,

I recently relocated to Canberra and sold my VIC car to a Canberra car dealer about a month ago. Two weeks ago, I found the vehicle still under my name, and the dealer didn't transfer it from my name. So I asked the dealer what's happened, and they told me the car had been sold to a Melbourne lady, and they asked her to register this car under her name. The dealer sent a notice to that lady and said if she doesn't register the vehicle ASAP, the rego will be canceled. Then the lady said she was doing the RWC and would do it soon.

But I received a phone call from Melbourne Highway Patrol on Thursday morning; the officer asked for that car's information and told me the vehicle was involved in a high-speed inference (Maybe over speed or something, the officer only talked a little). So I said this issue to the dealer, and we both provided all information and documents to the officer to prove the new owner's identification. And then, the officer and dealer wanted me to cancel the rego, but VicRoads rejected my application cause the car was sold.

I called three times to VicRoads on Friday and explained to VicRoads that it was an interstate sale (by the end of the activities of I had sold my car), and I just wanted this car to disappear from my name. While the three staff gave me three answers, the first one said I could cancel it; the second one didn't suggest I cancel it because I'm the latest register of this car. If the vehicle is pulled over after my cancellation, I may face some issues, but he suggested I report car disposal to the service centre; the third answer just told me I can't cancel rego cause the car has been sold, no matter an interstate trade or what.

So I have to ask my friend to take the sales agreement, transaction records, authorization letter, and a transfer form (VicRoads provided, I have no idea do I need to ask the dealer to sign it, the dealer looks like doesn't want to sign) to the service centre on following Monday tries to report my interstate sold.

I'm struggling with this (profanity). I sold my car to a dealer because I thought it would be easier and saves me time, but it's not. Can someone advise me or let me know what I should do if Monday's act is still unsuccessful?


  • +3

    Do you have a copy of proof of sales? You can just send that to police and any incident after that date is dealer responsibility. As far as i know dealer is the one who should transfer ownership details when we sell the car to them.

    • Yes, I have a contract signed with dealer, which record my and car's details, both signed. The dealer told me they didn't know Victoria requires a RWC when new owner register the new vechile, which is different with ACT. And they should transfer ownership, but they didn't.

  • Can't you just cancel the rego here?

    • I tried twice but all rejected. First time Vicroad said I didn't unload licence destroyed picture, clearly I can't do it. The second time I unloaded everthing and a statutory decleartion said I sold my car and I won't use my plate and car any more, also applied rego refund (The new owner renewed my rego, dealer and I agreed renture the money to delear's account and return to new owner). Vicroad rejected again, cause I can't get rego refund because I cannot return or destory my plate, then was the phone conversation with vicroad.

  • +1

    If you think that’s bad, just wait till the toll road bills arrive In a few weeks.

    • +1

      Car got written off a few years ago, got paid out and bought a new car. License plate was stolen off the written off car, and for months and months we were getting toll notices.

      Was calling them couple of times a week for about 2 months until it was sorted

    • I sold a car and still received tolls from Citylink. Sent them the sales paperwork the dealer gave me and Citylink rejected it and still sent me bills.

    • Already received once

    • just wait till the toll road bills arrive In a few weeks.

      I'm copping those, and I'm in SA with no toll roads. Scammy texts.

  • +1

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing but you should have done a notice of disposal when you sold to the dealer. It isn't the dealers job to do a NoD.

    You need to get instructions in writing from VicRoads as they are giving conflicting advice. You need to explain that you have been given 3 different solutions, none of which work.

    I assume from some of your terminology that you are ESL. Get somebody to check what you write because if the pen pusher that is dealing with it has to translate then they will move on to something easier. Don't be afraid to ask to speak to a supervisor. Ask for the name of anyone you deal with and write it down. Ask for a case number.

    • +2

      Thanks mate, that's correct I'm ESL.

      Due to I'm not in Melbourne now, I have to ask my friend to help me to do disposal. But your advice is good, I'll ask my friend to have writing instructions and let Vicroads know they gave me conflicting advice. And I'll also let him to talk with manager in Vicroads if we still can't solve this issue on next Monday.

      • Did you authorise your friend to transact on your behalf? They have a form I believe.

  • +4

    Dealer never transferred it to themselves
    Sounds like the dealer did the dodgy

  • -1

    sounds dodgy enjoy the fines

  • -1

    LOL, that is what you get with lefties!
    Dealer forgot rwc lol !!!

  • +1

    I can’t believe vic roads doesn’t have a better process by now. The amount of times this has happened to people I know and the amount of time they’ve had to waste to get it sorted. I don’t understand why there isn’t some vic roads online portal which settles car sales. Each user has to login, verify identity and then electronically sign etc. and then car is officially sold and ownership transferred.

    • +1

      That would be too logical for VicRoads and the state of Victoria.

    • +1

      The worst thing is the Vicroads even cannot give me a right solution, their operators have three different answers.

      • Yes. Really hope you get this sorted OP. Total nightmare.

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