Recommend an Indoor/Outdoor Security Camera (No Internet)

Hey Bargainers.

I need a suggestion for a wired or wireless security camera I can keep in the house or external(doesn't matter to much) Basically need it to keep an eye on my work van.

I have a very annoying older neighbor who believes no one is allowed to park in front of his house. I occasionally have to due to our street being busy. I left my van in front of his house all weekend as I went away and forgot to move it. I've come back to find a few dents in the side of it. His grass looks freshly mowed so I'm guessing hes hit it a few time with the mower. Just wanting a simple camera to point at that spot if indeed I'm forced to park in the spot to catch any further damage.

I must add the reason for no internet requirement is I'm only partially living in the house while I renovate it and don't have internet connection

P.s…I've contacted local bikies already.


  • +1
  • Looks good. Bit pricey though. Ideally looking for something around the $100-150 mark if possible

    • I've been impressed by the A280 trail cameras (below) - fast trigger, strong IR, good resolution, audio recording, long battery life and so on.
      Folgtek appear similar and somewhat cheaper.

  • -7

    Stop parking in front of your neighbours house. No excuses.

    • I try when I can, but as I said. It's a busy street and there's no reason I can't other than he doesn't like it.

      • How many cars at your household?

        • I've currently got two at this property, 3 all up. This property has not garage and a small driveway fitting only one car.

  • +1

    A wired option: Wyze Cam v3 $60 records to MicroSD without an internet connection.

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