Samsung S 3 Vs iPhone 4

hi there,

just broke my phone and I am done with that stupid phone, now I am looking to buy either S3 or iphone 4 and can't decide which one to go for:


*very sexy looking phone and made with good quality construction material,
*easily fit into my pocket
@cost more than S3
@don't like the platform, it's way too simple with limited update or improvement
@slower processor


*good android platform with regular update
*faster processor
*too bulking and can't fit easily into pocket
*cheap glossy plastic construction

any suggestion?

closed Comments

  • and yes where is best deal for both phones at the moment?

  • and yes where is best deal for both phones at the moment?

  • +3
    • Braces for the mayhem to ensue

    May as well ask which is better between Holden and Ford while you're at it…

  • +3

    Have you considered who you will use the phone? Do you need the S3's larger screen for games or movies?

    As for construction, I think that the iPhone does feel nicer, but I doubt there is any difference if you drop it. The majority of people I know also end up slipping a case over their phones, which may obscure that nicer construction anyway.

    I personally would go with the S3, considering the imminent release of the iPhone 5.

    • good point on the phone cover, but it's scratch resistant isn't it? I mean it's made of glass, anyone know what's the projection price for 4s after iphone 5?

  • +2

    i think you put "very sexy looking phone" against the wrong phone :)

  • +5

    Galaxy S3, that's my singular suggestion

  • Well, look, here's the thing. I used to have an iPhone 4, and now I have the S3 (haha)
    I would have to say that you get the iPhone 4 because it is clearly a better option because it is made by Apple.
    I would suggest that you purchase this heavenly, amazing phone directly from the apple store ( as I hear they are not rip off merchants.
    Here's hoping you don't decide to ruin your life with an Android phone.

    Good Luck.

    • I think you been sarcastic there -)

  • The phone look isnt really that important

    Its Never specs, its how you interact with the device. Many cant understand that and want raw specs

    You have said enough already.

    What do I use, an iPhone4


    You like the Android system.

    So go with that. If the S3 is too big, there are other Android phones that should fit.

  • +1

    Yeah I hear the Galaxy 5 is quite the beast

  • The plastic on the S3 doesn't feel as cheap as you would think (although some of the more rabid Apple fans would beg to differ). Its lighter and bit more durable than the iPhone's glass (case notwithstanding). I own an S2, and I've grown to really like the 'cheap' plastic.
    As for the pocket thing, it really depends on the situation. Wearing trackies and standing up would be fine, but wearing jeans in a cinema doesn't go so well. You can always move it to a shirt pocket, if the situation is dire.

    On the flip side, you should probably take into account the fact that Samsung support for its flagship models doesn't go so well, and quite frankly, updates suck. Luckily, there are a great many different ROMs to choose from, but don't expect the latest and greatest TouchWiz-clad update from Samsung timely or efficiently.

  • I think it would be a good idea to actually search before creating another comparison thread.

    Thread closed.

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