Multiple Email Accounts on Outlook Issues

I am hoping someone can assist me.

I run a business where I have over 7 emails on MS Outlook which I use for emails. Some of these email accounts belong to customers as they want me to have access.

My problem is that when a calendar invite is sent one of these email accounts, one other email account is receiving all my outlook calendar invites.

I've tried everything but unable to delete this email account in the setup as Outlook responds that it is the primary profile. I can't seem to even change which account I want as my primary profile.

Some of these email accounts are 365 accounts.

Hoping someone is able to assist

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  • Just a thought see if using the mobile app of Outlook you might be able to change settings etc either the Android app (I Use) of outlook or im sure there is an IOS app of outlook, well have you tried Outlook through a web browser? another option πŸ‘sounds to me maybe it's the Outlook app in Windows giving you the issues,

    I usually with my multiple email ccounts, I don't log into individual accounts or have multiple accounts logged in, each account all the emails of each account I just forward to one email account then filter by incoming email address into folders/labels for each account, just simpler to handle the frequent incoming emails and less headaches and usually I use the web based of gmail/outlook etc were possible πŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜

  • Did you try something like this?

    I would make sure everything is backed up before playing with it.

  • These issues are on my windows PC.

    • Not a fan using Outlook on a Windows based PC's, one slip of a mistake and great way to invite a virus etc into ones PC, problem is the old days much older computers one could tell a PC is infected cause it bog and slowed down ones PC, PC's are so fast now modern PC's one wouldnt even know a milacious software is runnung in the background

      My 2 cents anyway πŸ‘πŸ˜

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