What's The Beat That Flight, I Want That Flight Equivalent for Deals on Hotel Accommodation

What sites to visit (or stay away from) for finding deals on hotels?

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  • The sites are all the same. They will not be cheaper or more expensive consistently for all the hotels. Some will be cheaper and some will be more expensive depending on where you look.

    Best thing to do is to figure out which hotel you want to stay at and do searches on multiple sites to find the cheapest price for that particular hotel (read the terms and conditions for eg and change fees and cancellation policy differences).

  • +1

    also do a lot of searches with private/incognito browsers and your mobile as they can spot you shopping around

  • Noted, thank you!

    Been using Airbnb for all these years. Want to visit hotels for my next trip to HK/SG.

  • Google Hotels

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