Samsung to pay Apple US$1 Billion Dollars - Patent Dispute

Some people may have read this but this is a lot of money, 1000 Millions!


And now, the possibilities of Samsung Mobile Phones / Tablets may be completely banned in the U.S

What are your thoughts on this? …

MOD — Moved to Mobile forum. Please also see existing topic.


  • +11

    Turns out you CAN patent a rectangle.

    • Not just any rectangle, rectangle with rounded borders and a glass face.

      And to quote this post from Metafilter:

      when it released the iPhone, Apple pretty much nailed what people want a smartphone to behave like - big multitouch-capable screen that still handles like a phone (i.e. basic rectangular shape), minimal hardware buttons, simple interface that behaves roughly like a computer desktop, in that you have a bunch of buttons for your stuff and you activate one to start using that particular thing.

      They made a shit-ton of money by being the first people to get a complete product out under that model. And by making a shit-ton of money, they also did their competitors' market research for them. They can't turn around and sue people for selling things that people demonstrably want without failing the laugh test.

    • Reading the case a little more carefully, the jury Didnt validate that a rectangle can be patented. It rejected the Apple claim that the Galaxy infringed Apples design patent on the iPad.

  • I also believe that the US are changing some patent laws

  • +3

    Heaps of PDA before the iPhone had similar shapes.

    Only an idiot would mistaken a Samsung phone for an iPhone. I mean if you are buying a phone that is 800 I doubt you'd accidentally buy the wrong thing!

    • +4

      Especially when it clearly says Samsung on the front of the phone.

      • +10

        Apple users aren't that bright

  • +1

    At the end of the day, the consumers are the real victims.

  • +12

    US company vs South Korean company in a US court, there was only ever going to be one result.

    • +1


  • +2

    what i don't understand is why only samsung had to suffer, every one including LG, HTC and many other companies made phones that were inspired from iPhone.

    • Which the Iphone was inspired from other things at the time.

      Its unbelievable that Apple won this case.

  • -8

    I guess the Samsung bees are a little hot under the collar here.

    What a lot of very simplistic responses to a complex issue.

    • +2

      Not really. It is as simple as it looks. If TV manufacturers started suing each other for having a thin panel rectangle black design, we wouldn't be seeing the innovation in LCD/led TV today.

      Technological patents encourages innovation. Vague design patents dont. A lot of innovation in technology is incremental, building on top of and improving on other Innovations. A bit like evolutionary biology really.

  • +7

    Apple, you will never see this, you will never read this, but you can be as sure as hell that we (I hope I speak for more than myself) are not oblivious in our sheltered and possession driven lives to buy the first product you regurgitate out of your messed up facade. Your marketing campaign? I salute you for that, being able to become something you are not to encourage and play to our already insatiable and screwed up society that is solely consumerism driven - that is evil.

    (Non profit organizations, you are few and far between, and you are rays of sunlight)

    If I could choose between winning $1M in a lottery or DESTROYING your company off the face of this planet, I would not hesitate to choose the second option.

    If I ever win more than $1M, I would probably use it to fight poverty the best I can, a large sum of money I cannot justify forfeiting to destroy your sickening company

    If I could ever trade your company to save 1 child that is starving in Africa, I would do it in a split second.

    And I will Never. Ever. Buy a product from you - as I don't see your companies sense of morals overcoming your greed.

    There are many things more important in life than having the latest gadgets, and your bright cheery marketing facade chills me to the core. You embody 1st world existence, where selfishness, pride, and greed takes the podium positions.

    • +4

      Starting reading this in Liam Neeson's voice, was not disappointed.

  • Apple products aren't good, their marketing is good. I hate apple devices but every time i see one of their ads i always want to go and buy their products and then i have to keep telling myself to start thinking properly again.

  • +1

    People please dont just simplify this as being rectangles READ the judgement. If it was just rectangles then why did it take so long to present details etc.

    "On the first claim, regarding the '381 "bounce back" patent, the jury finds Samsung guilty on all counts. Samsung infringed on Apple's patent on a wide variety of products.

    On Apple's "pinch and zoom" '915 patent, the jury found that Samsung infringed on all but three products.

    For the "double-tap to zoom" '163 patent, the jury found that Samsung infringed on a wide number of products, but not all.

    The jury found that Samsung took actions that it knew or should have known were infringing across the '381, '915, and '163 patents on most, though not on all, counts.

    For the '677 patent, covering Apple's trade dress registration of the look of the front of the iPhone, the jury found that Samsung did infringe on most devices, but again, not all.

    For the D'087 patent, covering Apple's trade dress registration of the look of the back of the iPhone, the jury found that Samsung did infringe on some devices, but not all.

    For the '305 patent, covering the trade dress registration of the iPhone's home screen, the jury found that Samsung infringed across most devices.

    For the D'889 patent, covering the trade dress registration of the iPad's appearance, the jury found that Samsung's tablets do not infringe — one of the first victories for Samsung."

    Being granted a patent means they have some protection. BS on patenting rectangles is just that.

    Samsung made a conscious decision to copy many of the features of Apple. And it paid off. They are the best android supplier out their and have creamed every other Android maker.

    All power to them. The 1Billion is probably worth it to them to get the leg up on the rest of the market. If they hadn't done it they would have been an also ran like HTC LG and others.

    So they took a gamble and it has paid off. They just have to pay the fine. Like someone who is late for a critical business meeting. Pay the speeding fine and save the deal.

    • +4

      The pinch to zoom and double tap to zoom patents shouldn't have been given to apple. How else are you meant to zoom in?

      • +2

        Draw the letter "Z" on the screen to zoom. It's so intuitive I am surprised no one has used it yet!

        • +4

          I was going to suggest squinting your eyes which the front camera detects, and thus zooming the page.

          That's such an awesome idea that I think I'm going to patent it now.

        • +3

          Both are ideas that can work.

          Then going back to the pinch to zoom.

          This is 1 Patent. Again everyone picks on one simple issue. Hey until I raised it here all the rest were only concerned about the "rectangular" patent.

          Its NOT just one thing, its a number of things put together. If that was the only thing Samsung copied….

          And hey scrimshaw and frankyman have come up with solutions pretty quickly, although I think Frankymans probably is more practical. Then again squinting eyes means less greasy finger marks on the screen. BTW scrimshaw, only in America can you claim on this without a patent, as only they recognise Prior Art. Ironic in that Korean patent law only recognises first to file. So if samsung reads this and patents your idea you are s out of luck. Whereas in the US you have some rights

          It comes down to what I said before Samsung wanted to get a response to the iphone quickly, rather than sit down and think of how to do it better or at least differently. That may have taken time, and then HTC LG and their other competitors would have got some market share. So they decided to take the risk.

          And who enforces a patent. Its the courts. And so far they say its ok.

          Oh yes now the argument will be that this court was unfair. Wake up this was 2 months of court documents, witnesses and opinions. Something you can simply put in two sentences and say unequivocally means nothing because you dont think it should be patented. Frankly thats dreaming

          Finally its a patent. So we think 50 is ok in a school zone, sorry think all you like but its 40 and 50 will mean you get fined. Apple got the patent, and its the game everyone else has played before. Patents where issued for Tyres, Seatbelts, telephones. Patents also expire, so we see many of these things as not patented. But there were once, only its expired. Seatbelts were patented in the 1800's

          Oh and BTW moots its 1 Billion which means $100 million not $1000 million

        • Is it ok to disregard ozpete's point because he made a mistake? Just kidding you've raised some good points there petey. Though 1 billion is 1000 million.

        • It seems like 1 Billion is either $1000 Million (short scale) or $1 000 000 Million (long scale). Ouch!

        • +1

          Ouch!! - you are both right - sorry moots

        • +1

          Wow, you learn something new every day

        • Watch it! One Ouch doesn't make us Human!! LOL

        • +1

          I thought that "Z" gesture might have been patented by Zorro…

      • +1

        The pinch to zoom and double tap to zoom patents shouldn't have been given to apple. How else are you meant to zoom in?

        At the time when the patent was applied for and awarded do you really think anyone was going to stop and think, "oh hey, another company may want to use this, so no patent?"

        • Wasn't there devices and companies that had the idea of pinch and zoom before apple?

      • how could double tab different from double click on pc ?

        • +1

          one taps on screen, and the other clicks on mouse…

  • +2

    I find these patents ridiculous. It's a sad day for the mobile phone industry where one dictator will influence all mobile features/designs because they can and that the law allows this.

    • which patents are you referring to?

      • +1

        677 patent
        915 patent
        163 patent
        D'087 patent

  • +1

    Apple just can't behave like rulers, I agree that that made some great consumer products. But tagging consumer products as technology innovation is a insane call.

    Though they have won this case. But they've certainly lost their case in aware consumers eye, who are increasing day by day, thanks to internet and sites like these where even noobs feel comfortable and learn to take wiser decisions for his consumer grade technology requirements.

    Apple should realize that this is not the year 2001. Time has changed and technology is evolving very fast, they can't tie-up the technology on their door-sill in the name of patents.

    A lot of consumer tech companies are coming up with good and better products every month. Are they going to pull every one in American Courts for every other product?
    ASUS, HTC, SONY, LG even smaller players are coming up with smart products. Archos, Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei. E-Readers retailers like Amazon, Nook. Software giants like Microsoft, Google. Dying companies like NOKIA, RIM not to mention the small Chinese players who are trying to break into main stream.

    Tablet makers like Ainol, Onda, Ramos, Cube. Phone makers like Meizu, Xiaomi, KTouch, Jiayu, Oppo, Zoppo all are coming with S4 QuadCrore/2GB/1280x800IPS this Christmas. All these will sell between $200 to $300.
    In the year 2011 organized Chinese retail alone sold Over 40 million Android tablets. Not to count the unorganized retail. I'm sure for the year 2012 they must be crossing 100 million and they are growing like anything.

    These are just few whom i can remember at this moment, the list is very long. Lets see dear Apple, to how many of them you can drag in American court rooms.

    As a consumer tech giant who is sitting on a pile of over $100 billion cash, you should be helping the new and young technology startups, atleast the American startups and not biting their ass with your generic patents.

    You should be making cordial and good relation with your fellow consumer tech companies and give them hand as you should, as a retail consumer tech giant. And stop behaving like you are some scientific technological company who is innovating for some social cause. Because you are NOT.

    Or else you are the next RIM.

    A Consumer
    Who try to avoid buying any Apple stuff (You lost me as a consumer, and I'm sure you must have lost many more like me.)

    • +1

      (You lost me as a consumer, and I'm sure you must have lost many more like me.)

      1. I dont think they read this thread
      2. Are you trying to convince them or get it off your chest.
      3. Even Samsung are happy to deal with Apple selling them parts and building a factory just to manufacture their chips
      4. Frankly this is the internet, we have no idea whether or not you were ever an Apple consumer. And with your detailed knowledge of Android, and devices, if you were it probably ended well before this court case started.
      • +1
        1. Their consumer read this thread.
        2. I'm doing my part, If i could. Yes, why not. I want to convince them that leave this insane patent bullying and stop exploiting red tape for their patent litigation.
        3. Samsung is making their chips is an example, who is innovating and who is using the tech.
        4. Apple is a consumer tech company. Now read this line 10 times in your head, before reading my next line.
          Just like any other consumer product I buy, I prefer to evaluate the marginal utility and whichever product top the chart, I prefer to buy that.
          I'm no Android or Apple fanboy. But I'm an aware consumer. Yes I do own an Apple's MP3 player which there marketing team call iPod to add some gimmick flavour and their PC's again a Marketing gimmick name given them like Mac and a laptop with a gimmick name Mac Pro.

        They are no different from a juicer, mixer - grinder manufacturer who got diversified into more variety of consumer tech.
        So this innovation and patent technique is just bullying to get rid of competition. But again, they should realize. Time has changed, the world is no more ONLY their playground.

  • People should also see this. Worldwide Mobile Device Sales by Vendor Country in Q2 2012 [IMG] [/IMG]

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