Which Company Provide The Best Travel Currency Rate?

Since Citibank AU is closing all of their global currency accounts

What other company is providing the best transaction rate and FX rate?

I believe many people are using Wise, but someone mentioned they charge a lot for the transaction fee.

I have seen someone mention ubank, who said they have a reasonable rate plus do not charge any fee.

What other companies are providing reasonable rates and free withdrawal overseas?


  • Ask others if Revolut is any good?

  • +2

    why don't you look at the rates yourself?

  • Definitely ubank. Been using them for years. I havent found anything as good when i go looking

    • are they just transaction accounts? do they have any accounts like Citibank to that you can transfer the currency when they are in a good rate?

      • +1

        Just a transaction account yep

  • HSBC but the rates are not as good as citi

    • citi i think is the best so far but unfortunately they are no longer providing service in australia

  • Citi are closing their currency accounts but you can still use your existing citi transaction accounts while abroad.

    • Is the rate still the same as the currency account?

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