Selling a Car to online car buyer websites.


I see a lot of websites that say they will come and buy your old car the next day.

Are these considered dealerships? Do they buy the car as unregistered? Otherwise, you need an RWC, right?

What are the things I need to do as the seller so that there aren't any ties to the car after it's sold to them? Do I just cancel the registration from the Vicroads account online? (I assume they have a permit to take the car as unregistered)



  • Advice given would be dependant on the particular car buying website you had in mind.

    • I see. So not all of them operate based on the same scheme…

      • The bigger online ones are more likely licenced dealers(refer websites).
        Smaller local adverts are likely from wreckers. The way you proceed will depend on the buyer.

        as the seller so that there aren't any ties to the car

        Just transfer or cancel the rego when you dispose of the car(as per state requirements).

        • In VIC, you cannot legally transfer without an RWC. I guess the only safe thing is to cancel the registration.

          • +1

            @nushydude: Let them tell you. We sold a car NSW to a dealer (based in Vic) so they didnt want NSW rego. Ironically when it was picked up it went to QLD.

            Point is they know what they need - eg RWC and will advise. As dealers they often can arrange this themselves. They aren't going to buy a car unless they know its going to pass the RWC, or if there is work thats needed, that they have factored in the cost in the price they are willing to pay.

            RWC requirements are really there to protect the individual consumer, who often dont have the expertise to assess these.

            In our case there was some body damage (slight) and they factored that in. They took off what they considered what it would cost, which was less than we had been quoted which was also less than the excess if we had made insurance claim.

          • @nushydude: I'm not 100% on the specifics but my understanding is you can legally transfer to a dealer without a RWC.

            I traded in my last car to the dealer when I bought my new car specifically because I didn't want to deal with getting a RWC for a car that I knew had a bunch of issues.

            • @Haydos90: I bet you didn't need to do that actual transfer though? Like from your Vicroads online account. They would just take care of it on their end. Right? I bet you hurt took the car to the dealership? In that case, it's safer because you know you're selling to are a dealership.

  • They lowball you to ensure that they will make a profit. If you want to be safe, deregister it first but I would imagine they are all going to be licensed dealers so this shouldn't be an issue.

  • If you trade / sell your car to a dealer in VIC you don't need to do a RWC and they don't actually have to do a transfer with VIC Roads for 14 days. I suppose this allows them to avoid some paperwork if they can resell in a hurry. It is very difficult for you to do the transfer with VR because you have to know the dealer code. VR won't tell you and likely the dealer won't tell you. You need to at least keep your receipt(s) with TIME and DATE on them until you see that a transfer has been done and probably much longer than that. You need to be able to argue your case if someone starts running up parking fines, speeding tickets, and toll charges before the transfer is complete. Dealers allow employees and buyers to drive these trade-ins around to evaluate them. You can create a VR account to check on the transfer.

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