What the best available discount for Event Cinema Gift Cards now?

Would always try and stock up on them when there was a 20% off promo and then use rewards gateways 15% off otherwise but now reward gateways discount has dropped to 10% and there hasn't been a 20% off promo since last Christmas so im out of cards. Is there now a better price somewhere else in light of the drop in discount, or is 10% off the best it gets at the moment?


  • See this page for discounts; just look up Event Cinemas.

    • The information there is wrong, it lists voucher discounts as though they are the same as gift cards which they aren't. A voucher discount is a set price for a movie ticket, where as you can use a gift card to pay for a discounted ticket making it even cheaper, like 50% off on tuesdays for example.

  • Why bother?

    There's hardly anybody there half the time to check tickets.

    • When I went to watch Mission Impossible recently they checked tickets and bags, lucky for us my wife normally liked to take snacks in but this was an exception. Maybe they were doing extra checks for school holidays?

      • lucky for us my wife normally liked to take snacks

        What's wrong with taking snacks ?

        • +1

          I believe technically you aren't allowed to bring in food or drink you purchased elsewhere.

          • @dowhatuwant2: Never been an issue for us…

            Not sure they can stop you.

            • @jv: I mean, it's in their store policy. Pretty sure they could refuse you entry for it.

              • @dowhatuwant2:

                Pretty sure they could refuse you entry for it.

                Doubt it…

                  • @dowhatuwant2: means nothing…

                    wont stop me taking anything in.

                    • @jv: So if they check your bag find food and say you aren't allowed to bring it in you just go in anyway?

                      • @dowhatuwant2:

                        So if they check your bag

                        They won't

                        • @jv: I mean this conversation literally started with me telling you they checked my wife's bag when we went to the cinema like 2 weeks ago. So the potential is there.

                          • @dowhatuwant2:

                            So the potential is there.

                            There's no way they'd be checking my bag…. Just say no….

                            • @jv: You've done this in the past then?

                              • @dowhatuwant2:

                                You've done this in the past then?

                                I've never been asked and I don't have to show them anyway…

                                • @jv: And yet if you were asked you are confident that you would just refuse and enter anyway?

                                  • @dowhatuwant2:

                                    And yet if you were asked you are confident that you would just refuse and enter anyway?

                                    Yes, as there is nothing requiring me to show them.

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