Brands That Position Themselves as Cheap and Crap?

Today I had a random shower thought and realised that most brands position themselves as premium or cheap/affordable but good enough quality (Aldi comes to mind)….

What are some brands you can think of that know they're cheap and confidently provide crap services or products?


  • +1

    Ikea. "Wooden" furniture made out of superglued sawdust. Cheap and nasty, overhyped rubbish.

  • -1

    Ozito is kind of doing this. They are getting better by releasing more powerful gear. But, the replacement warranty and the note that their products must be for DIY only means that they know their stuff can't handle mass industrial tradie usage.

  • Kogan is definitely this. You know you're buying cheap shit, but the price is reasonable. Ie. Televisions, Anything in Furniture, Linen

  • +2

    Dominos - you know you can throw a 'few' more bucks and get a DECENT quality pizza but when they have a 'deal/sale' you can feed a sale village for under 50 bucks

    • Because of the sneaky tactics of domino’s for any online order I’m yet to get anything at the coupon price they’ve provided.

      Granted I might have a minor modification, but anything other than a cheese pizza is considered “premium” or a modification and attracts a minimum $3 extra surcharge per pizza. (For both delivery and pickup for valid coupon codes)

      I refuse to buy from domino’s these days out of principle for this dodgy practice.
      (And good luck if you gave them your email or phone number, welcome to spam city for the next month)

      I’m yet to pay at least $10 in addition to the coupon price for pizza from domino’s. So if you’ve managed it, you’re my hero (But they’ve lost my business and it’s the price they should pay for dodgy business practices)

  • +2


    • Well that's original. 🤪

  • Toyota

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