WANTED: Borderlands 2: Deluxe Vault Hunter's Collector's Edition (out on 20th). XBox.

Its the only thing my son has requested for his 13th Birthday (on Friday 21st) and everywhere's sold out.

I'll pay whatever it takes to avoid tears!!!! Be enormously grateful for an offer!!!!

Would pick up from anywhere in or around Melbourne.


  • +1

    Dear mxyzptik,

    This is really sad to hear,I made an account especially for this comment.
    I hope this information is of help.
    I'm afraid I don't have a copy to offer you until it arrives next week, or I would've gladly given it to you at cost.

    But I purchase my games religiously from this online site 'Ozgameshop'. And they just got some Deluxe Vault Hunter's editions in stock.

    They are selling them for $99.99 each (Which is actually cheaper than Eb etc. God bless our dollar), but they will go pretty quickly (I missed my opportunity last time.)


    They usually take around 4 days to deliver… So they will miss your son's birthday. But it's better late than never.

    I really hope this is a help. And it's certainly better than paying the ridiculous prices they're asking for on eBay.

    All the best,

    • Thanks heaps Lachlan for going to so much trouble … and yes you have been a great help.

      I've just ordered from Ozgameshop and thanks for the heads up!!!!!

      EDIT … my son has just pointed out this is PS3, so I'm still in the market for an XBOX version!!! :)

      • My mistake, both versions are available and I corrected my order. Thanks again lachlanJS.

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