Finding Buyers Agent for Investment Property in WA

Anyone know how to find a trustworthy buyers agent? I'm looking to purchase an investment property in the WA but live in Sydney.

I'm weary of agents who get a kickback from real estate agents they might have an affiliation with who would then push me towards those properties.


  • Hey mate, to get a list of REIWA accredited buyers agents check out…

    But please buy close to the city as we're trying to buy our first home in the outer suburbs and have come up against a couple of buyers agents already :P

    • How credible is that accreditation if there's only 10 people in the entire state 1 guy who's sold 90 properties and the rest who have sold 20 or under?

      • very 🤷‍♀️

  • +1

    Dear Eastern States people,

    Please buy properties in your own over priced markets and leave other reasonably priced markets alone.



    • Resistance is useless.

  • +7

    Hi mate, I'm a licenced Buyer's Agent Hirer's Agent and for a small fee I can help you find a great Buyer's Agent that ticks all your boxes.

  • -5

    Yeahnah, if you could not ruin another property market that would be great. Filthy eastern staters should look at what they did to their own market and Brisbane.
    Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart have all turned negative, Adelaide and Perth are keeling over next.

    I am seeing a lot of investors bailing left right and centre in WA due to the rate increases.
    We're in for a long recession and China can't save us this time.

    • classic NIMBYism

      Filthy eastern staters

      As if you wouldn't have taken advantage of any situation if it presented it to you. get off your high horse.

      • +1

        Nah i prefer to put my money into investments that actually do something other than take houses out of the hands of first home buyers.

        • I'm a first home buyer as well. Looking to get my foot in the door and hopefully will be able to sell it in a few years when I've built enough equity in it to buy where I want to live in Sydney.

          • +2

            @ClintonL: Based on the term, home, the place to live in, you are not a first home buyer. You not going to get any grants and get hit with capital gain later when selling it. More like first time property investor LOL

            • +1

              @boomramada: Not to mention the 50% CGT hit will be in play.

    • Its called Diversification :)

  • How much do buyers agent cost?

    • +2

      Between a nice laptop and a crappy new car.

  • -2

    OP try

    Rates be around 1-3% (its either your time or someone else time)

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