Advice on Workplace Agreement with 10 Minute Breaks and Leave Loading

My wife was given a form from her work that they were just told to sign. However, there was a lot of fine print. She's in retail.

There are a few questionable points which I want to ask people's expert advice on.

  1. There is one 10 minute paid rest break if your work is 4 to less than 7 hr and two 10 min rest breaks if 7hr or more. Please take the the rest break yourself as we do not have record of whether you have taken it.

Well no one at work knew about this 10 minutes ever! On query with the manager they were told "the 10 min rest break is for toilet break or smoko break which everyone has been taking". The manager said as soon as they leave the shop to go to the toilet, that is the 10 minutes. The 10 minutes is a guideline so people wont abuse and take more than 10 minutes toilet. A quick search on google seems to indicate that going to the toilet is not part of this 10 minutes.

Next point is this

  1. If I am required to work over 76 ordinary hours per fortnight, I understand and agree that my hourly rate will be more than that required by the award so that the overtime rule as specified in clause 2.1 (which they didn't provide) will not be followed. By signing this for, I agree to this in accordance to clause 5.1 (again not provided) of the award and I understand that I will be better off overall with a higher hourly rate.

Again no staff have ever been paid an "extra" amount if they work over 76 ordinary hours e.g. 80 ordinary hours. The manager is saying since all the staff are above a level 1 (retail) their hourly pay is higher than the Level 1 award. However I would have thought for example if you are Level 7 ($29), then it is based off that, not based on the pay of Level 1 ($24). They are all getting the stated figures for their level on the award. Not any higher. I would have guessed the minimum hourly rate, is the rate specified at their level, not based on the level 1 rate. Can someone help clarify this?

Last point

  1. By signing this form, I understand that I will not be paid any leave loading because I will be paid at a higher rate which is more than enough to cover leave loading.

They are comparing the pay of a Level 7 etc again to the base Level 1 pay.

I have told her and her collegues that they really should be calling fairwork to clarify these questions but they all seem a bit apprehensive to do so. Supposedly the manager pressured a few of the staff just to quickly sign the form too.


  • I used to work in retail

    Yes speak to fair work but also see the award associated to their changes. Their policies cannot be worse than what the award state.

    For point 1 about breaks, this is fairly common with 1 X paid 10 minute break under 4 hours and 2 X paid 10 minute breaks if the shift ends after 4 hours not at exactly 4 hours.

    My ex manager used to use this is for smoko breaks etc, this is technically true cause you can do whatever you want in those 1 or 2, 10 minute breaks.

    But toilet breaks should not be just in those 10 minutes, you should be able to go to toilet whenever you can, but I forgot if there is a clause in the award for this on what's reasonable.

  • +1

    The 10 minute break is the law. Disgusting that the manager wasn't making sure everyone was taking it. Reminds me of my Dominos days, the owner convinced everyone to skip their 10 minute breaks to help out the store. But then one time a worker came in one minute late and the owner screamed at that she was stealing money from him by not being there in time. Kinda funny that he's all nice and sweet when convincing employees to give up 20 minutes every day for free, but a single minute from him and he acts like he caught you taking cash from his wallet.

    During your 10 minute break the manager can't talk to you about work stuff, it's not a 10 minute work related brief, it's a 10 minute break from work.

  • Aight but what if I’m addicted to durries

    • +1

      Treat your manager like a pal. Pals let pals smoke during shifts.

  • There's currently a class action against McDonald's for the 10 minute break…
    I worked there for 7 years and was always told that the 1-2 minute drink break we got once a shift was it.

    That 2nd clause is BS though. "We pay you slightly more than the award minimum therefore you get no overtime pay".

    • My McDonald's was a brand new store, corporate owned, and the managers were young and chill. We could take drink breaks anytime during the shift, drinking any soda we wanted. We got our 10 minute smoke breaks. 50% off anything the store sold (including newspapers, bread, and milk) during our lunch break and within 30 minutes before and after a shift. And one of the managers would flirt with me outrageously and feel up my butt. Happy days.

      • I bet you got employee of the month a few times lol

      • Back in the good old days. Very similar experience at red rooster 🐔

  • +1

    Again no staff have ever been paid an "extra" amount if they work over 76 ordinary hours e.g. 80 ordinary hours. The manager is saying since all the staff are above a level 1 (retail) their hourly pay is higher than the Level 1 award. However I would have thought for example if you are Level 7 ($29), then it is based off that, not based on the pay of Level 1 ($24). They are all getting the stated figures for their level on the award. Not any higher. I would have guessed the minimum hourly rate, is the rate specified at their level, not based on the level 1 rate. Can someone help clarify this?

    This is really confusing and it sounds like the manager is getting it wrong (which wouldn't surprise me, retail managers generally aren't actually good at HR and industrial relations law).

    If they are at an actual level 7 job then they have to be paid, at a minimum, that award rate. If they are level 1 according to the award but being paid level 7 rates then it's a different story. I'd look at the award and the contract and clarify that point first.

    However if they are meant to be paid at level 7 then that's the minimum pay rate and you can't just roll overtime into it. It's also worth tracking how much overtime and leave loading they are owed - they can put whatever they want in the job contract but they still need to be paid the award rate. So calculate all the work, overtime and leave loading done at the award rate, compared to what was actually paid and they need to pay the difference.

    • Good to note, if the employee is at level 7 vs lvl 1 it doesn't matter and its irrelevant if they will be getting paid OT rates and acurring leave. It doesn't dismiss the fact they need to be paid OT rates and I assume the employees based on the awards are wage not salary.

      It's disgusting how many employees think they can ignore specific clauses in an award or spin the clause to benefit them.

      When I worked in Telco retail, my manager stated we don't get breaks (crazy right!). I found my award in my contract, I searched it and provided the proof to my manager we do get breaks on X Y Z shifts. He said he didn't know (BS), one employee was working there for 3 years, she complained to HR and she got an option to be back paid 20 minutes per shift to compensate untaken breaks or take the total time as a days off.

      Imagine working full time and only getting 30 minute lunch break with no other breaks….. I find that crazy

    • It seems like the manager and the hr person in head office is trying to say that since they are level 7 etc then they are getting more than the level 1 award rate, and that level 7 rate is much better than the level 1 plus the leave loading and level 1 plus the over time rule. So looks like they are trying to twist the award and mislead the employees. I'll have to get my wife to call up fairwork next week.

      • +1

        It comes down to the basis of the employment. While I cannot comment on what a Level 1 or Level 7 actually means in terms of duties, etc., if someone is employed as a Level 1, then the related terms and conditions become applicable. The fact they may happen to be paid at Level 7 rates (while employed as a Level 1 and presumably doing Level 1 duties) does not make them a Level 7 employee by this fact alone.

        • All the staff have their respective levels 1 to 8 on their pay slips based on their duties as listed in the award. So they are all confirmed at their respective levels. It would mean though that a level 2 worker is really getting screwed more as their rate would definitely be less than the level 1 with loading

  • +1

    Exactly why being an employee sucks, let company burn to hell without employees. then they'll realize importance of workers.

    Should do Strike one day every one in Australia for greedy corporations sucking all blood out of all.

    • edit just say news saying two major supermarket workers of to strike tomorrow 10:00-24:00, may be we all should join.

  • -1

    Why would you agree to work overtime and not get at least time and a half?

    • +1

      They are taking advantage of employees who may not have the best English and hence know these people would not have a hope of understanding the contract.

      • Get your wife and coworkers to join the union. Then speak to the union instead for assistance. Or find another job thats got better conditions and pay.

    • Some workers have elected for AWA's + collective bargaining agreements.

      In my workplace … we get paid $1-2 /hour above award rate … but in doing so, have bargained away other things.
      EG. only get paid T x 1.5 after 50 hours work in a week.

      Employees as a whole (some 200+ employees) voted on this … and that was what the majority of employees decided.
      Don't work in retail sector … but do work in an industry very close to it.

      • In my workplace … we get paid $1-2 /hour above award rate … but in doing so, have bargained away other things.
        EG. only get paid T x 1.5 after 50 hours work in a week.

        That's a garbage deal, do you work with morons?

  • Not sure Fair work will help. They will do on you to your employer

  • Dob on you

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