NetComm NF20MESH Router: Terrible Wi-Fi Speeds

3 bedroom double story house however tightly centred everything is downstairs, 3 bedrooms right next to each other, living room with tv and playstation with 20m2 area. Kitchen a bit further away. Upstairs area has wifes office.

Connection: FTTP, cant change position, aussie broadband, supplied with netcomm nf20mesh router as router.

is this a good router?? the walls are dry wall, my sons room isnt more than 5m-10m away from my daughters (where the fttp terminal is) but on wifi hes not getting more than 80 mbps. Same slow connection in the living room, terrible connection beyond that.

the kitchen is a good 15m away and signal is pathetic? constant drop outs.

Only renting so access point installation unrealistic.

My brother lives in an apartment with thick brick walls, has one modem in the corner of the living room and gets full speed to every corner, 70m2 apartment i believe. Sorry not an expert on that kind of thing.

should i be looking at changing routers? if so whats a good router? Does anyone have any advice on this?


    • Thanks mate. I’m so sceptical of routers without antennas. I just don’t trust them :(

  • +1

    Check what channel is being used and if there's overlap with neighbours.

  • Connection: FTTP, cant change position, aussie broadband, supplied with netcomm nf20mesh router as router.

    What speed plan?

  • 1000/50, outside the room with the fttp and 263 Mbps down, 48 up. Testing currently on an iPhone 15 plus. Computer in kids room less than 6m only getting 180Mpbs

    • Okay, as per @Trance N Dance

      Check what channel is being used and if there's overlap with neighbours.

      I've had this router in the past and it was good for a small 3 bedroom house. I no longer use it as I have a different ISP now.

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