[Solved] Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Latency from Melbourne


As of 2 days ago the issue had seemed to be resolved on it's own and I also received the following message from telco today morning.

More: Hi <My Name>, there was an outage reported the past few days that results to high ping and latency issues. The outage has already been sorted. Should you need further assistance don't hesitate to call or send us an email at <telco email>. Thank you.

(Being with More Telecom, they have a history of sending outage and planned outage messages only after they have taken place -_-)

Thanks for everyone that contributed. I guess atleast in this instance, the latency was due to a telco problem and so glad I don't have to pack up and relocate to sydney :D

So I've run into a latency issue with this game and was wondering if anyone else playing this game from Melbourne have similar experience.  
The pings for multiplayer lobbies used to be around 18-30ms which was really good but since for about a week now all the lobbies I get into are a whopping 130-200ms or higher which is really bad :P . Also when I chat to the folks in game they're mostly located in asia (it used to be all aussie servers previously).
Was playing MW III open beta and latency is very similar to MW II (200ms+)

I'm with More Telecom (been with them for about 18 months or so) and using fttp fibre connection 100/40 Mbps. No changes to network infrastructure or pc or anything else that I can think of. The closest reason could be a routing issue from Telco.

If anyone has had this sort of problem before, did you manage to solve it? (i.e. did it go away after some time, or did you inform telco about it and they did something or is it something outside our reach and not worth looking into)

TIA :)

closed Comments

  • +1

    If anyone has had this sort of problem before, did you manage to solve it?

    I had this exact issue in Melbourne. I adjusted my DNS settings, cleared my cache and moved to Sydney.

    • +5

      I adjusted my DNS settings

      cleared my cache

      moved to Sydney.


      • Sydney is closer to the US than Melbourne.

  • -1

    you’re most likely shadowbanned, i had the same issue on launch with the shield vtol glitch
    you can tell if u are in activision support and appeal it.

    • Hmm interesting 🤨. I wasn’t doing anything funny or exploiting a glitch though. I wonder if some a** hats kept reporting my profile leading to automatic shadow-ban like you said though. If it is, then the System is a total mess.

      Something similar came to mind and I was thinking “oh is this because I didn’t get the new battle pass” 😂

  • -1

    Probably something to do with Microsoft spending 100 billion buying CoD.

    • They have a history of killing tech same as google does. I don’t think this is it though.

  • +1

    A Google search is indicating that this is happening to people in other states too so not just a Melbourne thing. Seems that traffic is being routed via Asia which corroborates with what you're saying about Asians being in lobbies.

    Some people are saying it's an ISP thing. Using a VPN and setting it to Sydney seems to work (supposedly the MW2 servers are located there).

  • +1

    Sydney here.

    Same experience.

    No idea the cause or the answer.

    My honest guess was that some people get thrown into other regions randomly if for some reason it thinks you are a different region at that specific moment randomly.

    That or we get thrown into random regions as queue filler buffer numbers if it can't find a local game fast enough.

    I have always thought the cod match making was lazy and bad and if it detected even a small spike in lag for a moment it could think you belong somewhere else geographically because it doesn't do some average or median cross checking of your overall lag.

    Yeah idk.

    For a week last week I had the exact game thing getting 140-180ms ping games every game obviously being put in Asia.. Maybe i got reports I have no idea but it is back to normal now.

    I do play with Americans some time and recently played with my first European or Middle Eastern and the lag was the highest I have ever seen.

    I feel like if you play at odd times you get put in other regions that are active.. And possibly if you get a lot of reports you get punished by being put in other regions.. Maybe.

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