Does The Use of Ear Buds Lead to a Build up of Ear Wax?

Does the use of in ear buds such as air pods lead to a build up of ear wax over time? Are headphones or over ear buds better in prevention?


  • +5

    Theoretically, yes. Because ear buds create a seal which hampers the natural movement of ear wax.
    The warmth and moisture build up is also a breeding ground for bacteria.

    But practically I don't think it would be an issue unless you wear buds like 24/7

    • I was thinking I wear hearing aids far more than anyone would ever wear earbuds, but the seal makes sense - my hearing aids don't seal.

      I also barely make an effort to clean them besides wiping with a tissue most days, I should probably do a better job of that.

  • +1

    Yes for me

  • Ask y'self. Were we designed to have things bunged in our lug holes for long periods of time.

    For every action…..

    • I didn't get a reply

      • That's a better outcome than many responses

  • +1

    It did for me. Once I started using IEM's (Sony EX51) back in the day, it eventually led to a blocked and very painful ear. I had to get it flushed by a GP. After that, I bought a bulb ear syringe and flush it when it feels like there is wax build up. Very surprising how much can build up before it can impact hearing or comfort.…

  • Yes

    You are technically clogging up your ears and exposing your inner ear to mini vibrations that will cause build up and moisture to them. Headphones will somewhat relieves this as your ears will breathe a bit.

    But in general, if you have constant ear/head phones, you will need to clean your ears more often.

    I noticed a build up with me if I use either head or ear phones.

    The 'prevention' is not using them at all if you hate the constant build up.

  • Read somewhere once that if you use earbuds for less than 8 hours per day, your ears should clear naturally. Above 8 hours per day and you'll likely need manual removal.

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