Garage Door Motor to Replace Dead ATA GDO2V3

So after some months of thinking the garage door opener was going to die, it now looks like it has. The spindle with the cog that the chain runs round has essentially seized won't move in either direction. It is over 20 years old so to be fair it's had a decent run and I'm ok to replace rather than try and repair.

Does anyone have any recommendations of a model that would be an ideal replacement for the GDO2V3? The door that it operates is a 3 piece panel door that measures 4560mm x 2130mm.

Any recommendations would be great. I am fairly handy and so can likely change it over myself given the door itself is still ok and won't be touched.

I have seen some that were mentioned in earlier deals but no idea if they are decent or suitable enough:……



  • have a look on facebook marketplace.

    plenty going cheap or even free

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