Recommendation for under The Desk Treadmill

Hi All,
Planning to explore options for a under desk treadmill or foldable treadmill for light walk under $1000.
Looking at options similar to WalkingPad KingSmith A1 Pro, WalkingPad R2 Pro etc
Does anyone have any recommendations to share, please from personal experience?

Thank you.


  • +7

    Have you ever walked and worked at the same time before? Seems like it wouldn't go well together with any meaningful movement.

    I'm sure you have your reasons but if it's purely for exercise and calorie burn you will probably find a dedicated 30 min walk each day will deliver much more than half assed desk walking all day.

  • +1

    Rather have a Monika Lewinski under my desk personally

    • Cracking out the classy 25 year old jokes, hey? Sure you don't want to save them for a better time (e.g. 24 years ago)?

  • Thanks guys for the thoughtful recommendations.

  • +1

    I've had a $200 walking pad off ebay for 2 years and it is still going fine. I just went with the cheapest brand. It is just for walking not running so I don't put much stress on the motor.

    It's good if you're naturally a bit restless e.g. tend to walk around when on the phone. I have no issues typing, or talking in meetings, but I do have to stand still for anything that requires fine mouse movements.

    It's similar to a standing desk in that some people get them with grand plans and end up keeping it in sitting mode all the time, and other people love it and use the functions a lot.

    • Thanks @toniyellow

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