Help me find a new phone & internet plan PLEASE!

Hi all.

I'm hoping some of you guys could give me some advice and help sorting out my phone and internet.

Ideally I'd love to have naked internet and be able to have a mobile for my partner and myself to use each.

At the moment I'm with Telstra on their Telstra T-Bundle Connector Everyday
Includes HomeLine® Local, unlimited local calls, and calls to Telstra mobiles, $3 capped
STD® calls, discounted International calls, features such as MessageBank®, Call
Waiting, Call Number Display and 200GB BigPond® Broadband
Telstra T-Bundle Connector Everyday $100.00

We also have prepaid mobile with Telstra which we barely use to make calls, mainly just to receive calls as we can't afford credit on top of our $100 bill each month.

We rarely use our home phone and would prefer to be able to use our cell phones if it could be cheaper or at the very least end up costing the same.

Also we don't download very much. We barely even reach half of our 200GB cap as it is, So 100GB would be fine. Speed is important though, as I like to play online FPS games and have fast internet.

Hopefully I haven't rambled too much, and hopefully you guys can help!



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