Photo-Speed-Dial Phone for Elderly Person - Most Buttons?

These are phones with speed dial buttons that you can put a photo of the face of the person whos number it is in.

The most buttons I can find are 6 but that won't be enough for everyone in my family and then I'll have to leave people out, and that is a social nightmare.


  • +2

    On android you can have infinite contact list icons and add a photo of the person. I have this on my home screen for Mrs Muzeeb, daughter and son.

    • +2

      This is the best - my parents have this setup on their phone. Unlock phone and touch photo.

  • +1

    What about a normal smartphone and just print out a card with all those peoples names and pictures, so they can look at the card then say "Siri, call Bargain Huntress" or whatever. Might be complicating things by looking for a dumb phone with speed dial in 2023.

    • +2

      You’ll be shocked at just how difficult this can be if they have memory issues

      Use of a traditional phone is hard wired into their brain from their youth. Learning something completely new (Like a smart phone (or a different interface, or the same interface but on a different phone) is very, very challenging. Regardless of how easy we think it is

  • +1

    Does the person have dementia?

    If so, dont get something that will overwhelm them. And a get something with interface they know.

    Also pay attention to the time of day you are teaching them to use the phone. People with dementia can be less engaged and receptive to learning things at night (see info on sun downers) and are generally more confused

  • Google / Alexa calls as an alternative?

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