Business Only Provides Digital Receipt - Good or Bad?

Hi fellow OzBargainers,

We went to shop in a well-known active sporting brand today and decided to purchase a tank top for $30.

When we went to pay at the counter, the sales assistance asked for an email address which we were puzzled. When asked why, she replied "this is so we can send you digital receipt".

We said but we don't want the digital receipt, we just want the printed receipt. The response was "We don't provide paper receipt anymore. Don't worry we won't send you any promotional materials to your email or ask you to join our membership."

There's nothing on ACCC stating shops have to provide paper receipt so I'm assuming this is legal for them to only provide digital receipt.

Is this a good move or bad move by business?

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  • 50
    Good move
  • 56
    Bad move - business should provide paper receipt as an option


  • +3

    They have to give you a TAX receipt by law if they are charging GST and ….. etc etc .

    Say you do not have an email address.

    • +3

      Only if OP asks for one

      Suppliers must provide a proof of transaction if the consumer asks for one, or automatically for products or services valued at $75 (excluding GST) or more.…

    • And by law if its a CASH PURCHASE they must provide a receipt.
      They cant rely on people providing an email address.

      • Ah - they’re one step ahead already. It’s a cashless business :)

  • +3

    Data harvesting. Just another place your data will be leaked from

    One legally has to be provided at the point of sale - so I wonder what happens if you say “I don’t have an email address”

    • +4

      Just make up a shitmail address on Gmail for this stuff.

      • Data aggregators like google, Facebook and tick-tock attempt to combine all your email addresses into a single profile. Using chrome or logging in to your sh1tmail address on your regular device (without safeguards in place) negates a lot of the value of using a different email address

  • +5

    I would like to point out to the jury, the ONLY tax invoices provided by eBay, Amazon, ANY online business - are digital invoices.

    • +5

      Some online businesses will put your invoice in the package too.

      • -1

        Like amazon… it always includes a receipt in my numerous prime purchases. I like the sms receipts from some stores.

    • +1

      These are really awful businesses, not using paper and being friendly to the planet by not wasting resources! Must be illegal and should be prosecuted by all means possible.


      • +2

        It wouldn't make much difference overall. One typical cardboard box from Amazon weighs more than 200/300 supermarket receipts.

        • I reckon people are more likely to recycle cardboard boxes just to avoid them taking up space in the red bin. A receipt though, most prolly just scrunch it up and toss it in the bin.

    • +1

      But they aren't a physical store.

      Sometimes a physical receipt is handy during shopping, e.g. walking out of another store that sells the exact same item.

      My elderly relatives don't have emails or emails on their phone.

  • +6

    I feel sorry for the checkout person, who needs to type out the emails.. each time lol
    A mobile number would be a better option.

    The best option would be, digital Digital Receipts for loyalty card holders, and paper invoice for all the old school ppl.

  • +1

    Better still, tap…go… receipt uploaded against bank statement.

    I know NAB has something similar in with the bigger stores but still in its infancy.

    • +3

      No thanks. Cash and paper receipt for me please.

    • That would be a good way to handle this.

  • +2

    Good move… save the environment! Also most paper receipts are shite and fade away in a few days.. if u still manage to find it!!

    Bunnings now has the option to automatically save digital receipts if you install their app and scan it. Chemist Warehouse also sends digital receipt to your phone number

    • +5

      Both those examples you provided have the option of digital or physical copies though. IMO customers should at least have the option of choosing, rather than forcing customers to provide email to be able to get the receip

  • +2

    Lorna Jane.

    • Can you get $30 tank tops from Lorna Jane?

      • They wouldn't fit you anymore.

  • +3

    I believe you should have the option for both! However, reciept paper is not recyclable, and is a huuuuge waste. It takes a long time to break down because it's not normal paper - the treatment to make it heat-reactive is very unsustainable.

    If they cannot print it, say you don't have an email, ask them to send it to their own office email and go out to the back to print it for you haha.
    They must provide a reciept and they clearly don't have another option.

  • +2

    I like the idea of reducing waste, but I think forcing customers to give up their email address ("we pinky promise we'll never sign you up to our mailing list, and our database is super duper secure!") is the wrong way to go about it.

    A better idea would be to offer the customer a qr code to scan and save a receipt to their phone or, even cheaper, just a reference number to a receipt… But that wouldn't allow them to follow customers all over the internet with advertising, so eroding privacy little by little is of course the option they're going to take.

    Also, can confirm 100% its Lorna Jane pulling this shite.

    • +1

      100% agree. I'm all for initiatives to cut down wastes and being more environmental friendly but not sure this is the way to do it. I wonder what would they do if we said we don't have email address?

      We didn't like the approach so we were happy not to get a receipt and just paid and left.

      • so we were happy not to get a receipt and just paid and left.

        And they were twice as happy that will never have to declare the GST they charge you.
        Evil wins. Again.
        And again, evil wins because we let evil win.

        • Calm down. There's no way they're training their staff to not record sales when a customer declines a receipt, all in some conspiracy to avoid declaring GST on the occasional sale.

          • @jetblack: There are a thousand and one ways to avoid paying GST.

            Get off your high horse of conspiracies and walk around the real world.

            I gather you don't run a business that collects GST, do you?

      • I wouldn’t give a cent to a business which refuses legal tender in the first place

  • I’m not against this, I would always choose a digital receipt over a paper one anyway and have an email address specifically for this.

  • +2

    There really needs to be a choice available for customers - there are many reasons people cannot/do not/will not use the methods that businesses (and others here apparently) see as the only or best way.

    I can see this going really well if my elderly in-laws ever shopped there.
    Over 80, ESL (and just enough to be understood) and one of them is just starting to show of dementia.
    They have no understanding of, interest in, nor use for internet, email etc

    Before anyone points out they are not likely to be a customer of this specific type of business - have you never seen any elderly people buying gifts for their children, grandchildren etc?

  • And what happen if you actually NEVER get the digital receipt?
    "Sending" it does not mean you are receiving it.

    Don't have an address (for this purpose) could be an answer.

  • -2

    Digital all the way.

    Physical is just a waste. It's extremely easy to track expenses if you need to, do there really is no point in having physical any more unless you're a boomer/hate technology and moving forward.

    • +1

      Respectfully, that's a pretty naive view.

      I back your sentiment, although the problem for me is the way in which they're forcing it on customers. We shouldn't need burner accounts. We shouldn't have to accept that at some point the company's data may be breached and now my email, transaction history and card details are out there to enable phishing attempts or sophisticated hacks put together by combining it with other data that is already leaked.

      Every single customer now has to give over that information, or otherwise outright refuse to purchase, all when "I simply wanted a workout shirt".

      It's more than saving paper and a sarcastic "oh no, they'll now advertise products to me that I'm interested in"… They can still save the waste, go digital and NOT bring personally identifiable information into the mix.

  • Start Paying cash! Before it's gone for good.
    Don't give out your email or mobile phone number. Give em your Landline number. 😁
    Get a paper receipt.
    If they were honest about keeping your data safe and not keeping your data on the internet just to get hacked or sell it off.. I would be digital all the way.
    If we were guaranteed that they won't /can't cut off your money digitally.. I would be $ digital aok.
    Besides, paying by cash, gives you the opportunity to realise, do i really need this item.

  • I dont mind this, JB Hifi, Baby bunting ect all have a database of receipts.

  • I'm all in for digital receipts. I prefer saving trees for wiping my anus rather than thermal papers that fades when I leave then aside.

  • This is slowly getting a bit stale now but …

    What happen if needing to return the item? No receipt no refund? Print on paper the receipt?

    How about the unlikely scenario were security asks for a receipt to prove purchase?

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