How Do You Call Home These Days?

I know the obvious answer is, get a land line, but I haven’t had one since 2002 and I somehow feel like it’s a weird backwards step to start now.

We’re a mostly Apple household, but my wife never carries her phone and it’s always on silent anyway. My son doesn’t use his iPad much, and is just on his windows machine most of the time. No phone. My daughter is usually on her iPad, but not always - and she’s often with me when I need to call home.

We do have an older Lenovo brand Google home that’s up and running, but I have no idea if I can call it. All our home computers are for work and have passwords to access.

So yeah, how do I call home?!?!


  • -1

    wife has ADHD and rarely has a clue where it is.

    Bullshit excuse, I know a bunch of people with ADD, ADHD and general executive dysfunction, and all of them use their phones just fine.
    She probably just doesn't care about it.

    • Yes, she "uses" it just fine. She just puts it down, gets distracted and goes somewhere else in the house or garden without it.

      So yeah, maybe she doesn't care about having it with her.

      I'm fine with that.

      If she knew I was trying to get in touch, she'd go and find her phone.

      I'm trying to come up with a way of pushing notifications to my home in general that I'm trying to get in touch.

  • Call the mail man next time instead. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Facetime.

    Apple family.
    Whatsapp video/audio works well too

  • If you are mostly Apple Household, go for HomePod Mini and use intercom feature.

    You can also buy Aqara G3 to monitor home if you like or just use the privacy mode but make an announcement so people at home can listen and pick up the call or call back.

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