Samsung Care+ Swap for S22 Ultra

Me and my partner have S22 Ultra. I got mine with samsung care+ while my partner's phone doesnot have it. She dropped her phone and has a cracked screen. Anybody here have tried using the care+ where the IMEI number is different. Will it go through the swap process for the extra $$?


  • So you're asking whether you can defraud Samsung?
    They're not going to let you swap a different phone with a different IMEI lol

    • -2

      Yes, but I did pay extra for care+ and it allows only one swap that you pay for. SO instead of using it on my phone, I want to use it on my partners

      • +6

        Explaining the insurance fraud in more detail doesn't make it less insurance fraud

        • +2

          Lmao some people…

      • +1

        Lol. You paid for one swap of your phone.

        If you're committing fraud anyway, you should destroy the phone even more so they can't find the IMEI and then try it. If you want to be extra safe, then you should turn off your existing phone and put it in a drawer so there's no chance of Samsung services noticing your phone is still active.

      • +1

        You bought samsung care for a specific phone, it is not transferable to another phone lol

    • -2

      They are already defrauding us, a phone that cost $200 to make and with all marketing $800 but instead sells for 80% profit of $2199.

      • Good point. Getting arrested for fraud is a great protest.

  • +1


  • +1

    It's attached to your phone not interchangeable
    Also blatant Fraud

    • Yes this is a good case for getting contents insurance that includes damage and theft of phone, as the one policy would cover both phones, whereas with care+ you need two policies. There would be excess though, but still might make more sense.

  • +1

    OP, this is the kind of fraud you'd get busted for, not the kind of fraud companies like samsung get away with.

  • -3

    Thanks all. She wants to move to iPhone anyways now…hahaha..

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