Wondering if Anyone Has Any Sleep-Improving Tea Suggestions?

Hey all, used to use a brand of teabag called "Red Seal's Sweet Dream" blend… but unfortunately run out of that.
Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations of tea that helps them sleep at night, as strange as that may sound.


  • Twinnings Sleep+ Has been my go to, was recommended by my doctor.

  • +4

    Melatonin can help you fall asleep, but not stay asleep.

    Ashwagandha can help with waking up at night (only take it in the evenings as you don't want to lower cortisol during the day).

    There are other things you can do, like turn the lights off / dim them before bed.
    If you wake up at night to use the shitter, use the minimum amount of light required to navigate the environment.

  • Using A2 Milk atm, seems to settle reflux and calm you down.

  • +1

    May I ask why specifically you want a Tea? Is it part of your routine?

    I use Swisse Sleep Honey Lemon Powder. Fantastic stuff.

    • +1

      Didn't know so many people had different sleep improving drinks, always stayed true to tea. Wouldn't hurt to try something new. Thank you Buckshot.

      • +1

        There are some great options. Anything with magnesium is a great start, which this powder has.

  • Not really a tea but i have have some supplement ideas that can help.

    1.Gaba Tthis has a really calming effect. like a noticeable effect

    Insoitol helps with reducing the time it takes to fall asleep

    1. I find Ashwagandha stronger than melatonin.
      Any brand is good but the generic chemist warehouse one has the most of the active ingredient

    4.Magnesium is really good too and its good for heart health.
    any brand is good but there is differnet types such as citrate etc.

    A combination of the above will give you a good night sleep.

    • I learned of Gaba when I was in Japan (it's in a lot of foods there).
      From the reading I've done, using this a lot can down regulate endogenous production and lead to tolerance.

  • Melatonin helps me in the past. However, it is hard to get pure Melatonin.

  • Not a tea recommendation but out of personal experience with terrible sleep issues going back some 20 years I can highly recommend cognitive behavioural training (CBT). It made a huge difference for me, but does require some lifestyle changes and a bit of discipline. There’s a free online course you can do at https://thiswayup.org.au/programs/insomnia-program/
    I’m not affiliated with these guys but, after trying pretty much everything else, CBT was a game-changer for me personally and I can’t praise it enough. Best of luck on your journey!

  • Gym

  • Cannabis oil + tea.

  • Not tea but try glycine powder. For me it gives a good deep sleep and more frequent very vivid dreams.

  • When I gave up smoking it was pure torture and there was no sleep to be had. But if I drank a cup of Chamomile tea before bed I slept soundly. It did not make me feel any different so it always amazed me that it worked so well. It was miraculous for me, and I wondered why anyone ever bothered with sleeping pills

  • Place English Breakfast tea bag in a cup. Gently poor near-boiling water over tea bag until seven-eighths full. Jiggle the teabag exactly 10 times. Discard the tea bag. Tip the contents of the cup down the sink. Rinse ONCE with clean water. Fill cup with Drambui. Sip until empty. Try to find your bed and go to sleep. Happy to help.

  • I take 5-htp 30mins before going to bed but it seems that it has diminishing returns if taken too regularly.

    Before taking any supps like this, i do recommend researching into if they interact with any other drugs that are being taken.



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