Looking for a guitar

I'm looking to start guitar lessons, and so I'm looking for a cheap, yet good-sounding guitar to start off with - can anyone suggest one?


  • acoustic or electric? maybe check out billyhyde's closing down sales. they have 50% off guitars now, but the pickings are very limited.

    Acoustic or electric, maybe spend around the $250-$450 range excluding amp (if electric). You are starting off guitar lessons and you won't be sure if you will continue. Also, you wouldn't be able to tell and appreciate the difference between low end to high end guitars anyway.

    Stick with popular and reputable brands - acoustic, maybe go for Yamaha or even try Cort. Electric, Yamaha, Fender (or Squier - more affordable sub-brand).

    Just go by price for now. Invest later. Put more effort in your training and good luck :)

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