Three Mics One Phone

Me and a couple of my friends want to do some restaurant review videos and we were thinking starting off we would use our smart phone for video, but we want to get three wireless mics to go with this.

I've seen a couple of models that can do two wireless, but none that can do three.

Any recommendations?


  • +4

    Me and a couple of my friends want to do some restaurant review

    A couple of my friends and I want to do some restaurant review FTFY

  • +3

    Three Mics One Phone

    I've seen this video.

    Edit: NVM, confused with another one.

  • +1

    Are you OK to buy a four mic setup (Boya BY-W4) and just use three?

    • Yes! That works really well! Watched a video on amazon the quality seems ok. Going to do some research to see if theres other 4 person mics. Thanks for this!!!

  • +4

    If it's not a live stream then you can just use 3 separate devices and sync them in post right?

  • +1

    Just use any three recording devices and keep them and the video constantly recording, even three other phones with a mic attached, and use a clapper at the start to sync the sound to the video in your editing software.

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