Motorola Edge 30 Fusion Issue. Refund or Repair or My Problem?

About four months ago I bought a Motorola Edge 30 fusion and am overall happy with it.

Problem is right now it’s unusable on phone calls unless the speakerphone is on or if I’ve got a headset - otherwise no one can hear me. It’s an issue that various forums have had raised on various Motorola models but without any real published fix.

I’ve got 2 ponderings:

1) The microphone actually works. I can record voiceprints using the 'normal’ mike, it’s only calls and for eg audio SMS. So I think it’s a software issue.
2) I’ve unfortunately dropped it and it has a noticeable but minor crack at the top (away from where I assume the microphone is). The problem, however, started well after the crack.

So should I
1) Contact Motorola support for help? Worried they’ll just blame it on the drop. Also they’re only in Sydney I think and I’m in Adelaide.
2) Try and return it? I bought from JB Hi-Fi shopfront.
3) Try and get it repaired myself which will likely void the warranty and obviously cost some dosh.

Poll Options

  • 15
    Motorola Support
  • 2
    Return for Refund
  • 2
    Fix Locally


  • +3
    • ensure phone up to date
    • test with other apps
    • contact Motorola support
    • work out options from there
    • Yeah, I actually wiped the phone clean and reinstalled everything and the problem still existed.

  • +2

    Use another call app? Reinstall google phone app or factory reset

    • +1

      Yeah, tried that with no results 😔

  • +3

    you can ask for a warranty repair or a acl if you feel its a major flaw. if you take to jb theyll send to Motorola for assessment and make a call from there.

    either way youre out of a phone for a month.

  • Claim at JB

  • -2

    Get a refund! If they give you the run around you do NOT need to do any of the steps they make you perform if so…

    You are definitely entitled to it…

  • +1

    I called Motorola support and they said I can send it to the service centre for free "as long as it doesn't have any physical damage". When I mentioned it has a cracked screen they paused and offered to send me some software to try and fix the problem.
    Crossing my fingers and toes that the software works.
    If not, you'll probably hear the argument from wherever you live.

  • You dropped it: Whingepool would be your rescue.

  • I don't think the cracked screen caused your microphone issue BUT the drop maybe. It might have losen up some internal components and then it stopped working after sometime.

    As there is a crack due to a drop, i don't think they will grant a refund easily. Also, it maybe hard for them to fix the internals with a crack screen as the screen will be completely destroyed during the take apart process.

    Maybe you can offer to pay for a new screen and they get them to fix the microphone under warranty?

  • +1

    Final update.
    The software from Motorola did nothing.
    Before re-trying their customer service I thought I'd try my luck with JB. Glad I did.
    (Side note - before this I realised the crack was only on the screen protector so I peeled that off)
    JB first offered to send it off for repair, they offered me a loan phone while it was away. Unfortunately the loan phone was broken (!).

    While they tried to work out what to do I noticed an ACL brochure which I made a point of intently reading. I put it to them that a $800 3 month old phone should just work. They went away and when they came back they offered a replacement, refund or to buy another phone of similar price.

    I don't want another Motorola after this so got an Oppo A98 5G which has similar or even slightly better specs so I'm happy.

    • screen protectors are a load of crap. theyre only good for holding together an already cracked screen.

      • This one saved my screen from cracking.

        • No. It did not.
          your screen was actually NOT going to crack. The glass is way more stronger than a screen protector ever will be.

          The screen protector is just so flimsy that it cracks always. That way, they get you to buy a new one.

        • I literally drop my phone ALL the time.
          Never a cracked screen.
          Then one day i bought a screen protector "just in case"
          next time i dropped the phone - screen protector cracked.

          … and i learnt that it's just a marketting gimmick.

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