Gaming PC Advice - Budget $1500

Looking to buy a gaming PC for my son, budget around $1500.

A bit overwhelmed by all the options out there. Prefer a pre-built PC and smaller form factor, on the quieter side.

Found this and wondering if anyone has any first hand experience with this model/range or HP gaming PC's in general?

The discount might be distracting me from better options out there for my budget.


    • ah thanks! would there be any low hanging fruit in terms of upgrades you'd recommend?

      • +2

        maybe 16gb more ram

      • +1

        The stock included case is terrible for airflow. Best to upgrade to a case with a mesh front for better airflow. The Antec NX200M is a good case but quite small if you ever wanted to upgrade.

        The Gamedias or Antec AX90 would offer more room being mid-towers.

      • wifi

  • +1

    If i was building a gaming PC now i would be looking to try and include an X3D cpu into the build

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