Looking for Disposable Paper Tape Measures

Well I used to grab some Bunnings ones but couldn't find any today.

Ideally 1m long at a min and a hole so I can attach it to the wall and use as needed.

I know you can get medical ones but prefer the Bunnings style where you just rip one of the booklet and away you go.


  • +15

    Looking for disposable paper tape measures


  • +1

    What's wrong with something like this?

    • Disposable

      • +2

        Which is why I asked, why?

        • OP a cheapskate, maybe? :p

  • reduce reuse recycle

  • https://www.dicksmith.com.au/da/buy/yijunshop-100pcs-paper-m…

    100 disposable paper tape measures for $18.17, is that what you want?

  • +2

    Go to IKEA and grab a bunch

  • I have a few cloth ones from spotlight. They do get used.

    But I use them in the garage so write notes or measurements on them. Cut them and so forth.

    I've seen the style like at dicksmith has but prefer for them to be exactly like the Ikea ones.

    But unfortunately there is no IKEA for 100's of km.

  • When I am in Bunnings and need to measure an item, I go to the tool department, 'borrow' a metal tape measure, and measure it that way. I then replace the tape measure in the original slot from which it was taken before exiting the store with my goods.

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