One Popular and One Unpopular Movie Opinion You Hold 🍿

Let's hear them

I'll start

The Barbie movie was genuinely enjoyable and one of the better movies of last year

James Cameron, Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan are the most overrated directors currently in the game and are only liked as much as they are because they mainly appeal to men who have no interest in non-english-language films who think said directors are smart or 'cool'.

Okay, your turn



  • +9

    Popular: "Flying High"/"Airplane" is the funniest movie I've ever seen and I love watching it even now.

    Unpopular: "Citizen Kane" is boring and not very enjoyable to watch; I wouldn't recommend it.

    • +6

      Flying High wasn't a Movie, it was a Qantas training video.

      • +6

        Flying High - wasn't that a Schapelle Corby documentary?

        • +1

          Most Movies when filming is completed they say "it's a wrap" but with that one they said
          "it's in the bag"

    • -1

      It's ozbargain

      What is it?

      It's Australia's bargain hunting community, where hot deals, coupon codes, vouchers, special promotions and freebies are shared everyday - but that's not important right now.

      • +1

        Yeah, David and Margaret don't live here anymore.

      • +1

        Looking forward to Falling Down 2: Ozbargain.

    • +2

      Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻

    • +6

      "Flying High"/"Airplane" is the funniest movie I've ever seen

      Surely you can't be serious.

      • -5

        Surely you understand humour is subjective based on numerous factors

        • +20

          I do and don't call me Shirley.

      • +6

        Do you like films about gladiators?

        • +3

          Ever been in a Turkish prison?

    • +2
    • +1

      Flying high is second to eurotrip

    • +1

      You should try the French film "The Visitors" (Les Visiteurs).

      It's the funniest move I've seen by far. Like rolling on the floor laughing.

      • I never found, "Rolling on the floor laughing." that funny!

  • +1

    The Latest Avatar movie was an absolute gem

    Leon: The Professional is a seriously flawed movie, with really poorly written characters that make unrealistic and ridiculous decisions. For example: Leon is offered a measly $5000 for a hit, but proceeds to commit mass-murder through all the hit's henchmen … for $5000?

    • +1

      Cost of living crisis mate. Inflation is through the roof, I would do it for a loaf of bread


      • bbiiiddeeenn

        • Why does everyone turn everything into an American political topic on Ozbargain lately 🙄

          • -1

            @Faro: I was taking the mickey, I was sarcastically engaging in exactly what you said is happening. Apologies

      • +1

        Business opportunity for Scotty!

        Do we prefer OzHit or HitBargain? I'm thinking not OzHitBargain because it'll be spelt to similarly to OhShitBargain.

    • -1

      I haven't seen the movie. Got a little put off by the original script "direction" between Leon and Natalie Portman's character

      • I have barely scratched the surface of why the movie is legitimate garbage, don't even need to touch on the paedophilic nature of the script.

    • +2

      $5000. Apparently that's what the terrorists were promised for the Moscow attacks.

    • +1

      First Avatar movie was not bad but the second after 15 minutes i gave up.

      • +2

        Really? Man, I loved that movie far more than the first one

  • +3

    Popular: Tremors is the perfect movie

    Unpopular: The whole Marvel Cinematic Universe is unentertaining, bland, saturated and repetitive.

    • -5

      I think you have those backwards

      • +3

        Criticising Tremors is blasphemy.

        • -5

          It would've been better if the main guys kissed at the end. It was the only true tension in the whole movie

          • +1

            @Faro: Yo, I think you downloaded the wrong movie.

            • -3

              @Ryanek: I'm thinking of the one where Kevin Bacon stars alongside Fred Ward and they live in a very low-population town, they never leave each others side, yet obviously repress any and all emotions they have before Kevin Bacon forcefully engages with a woman despite the two of them having less chemistry than the two male leads.

              Right movie?

              • @Faro: Is Tremors the perfect movie?

                There has been college studies made on the is film. Basically, there are no wasted scenes, and every shot serves to advance the plot.
                When I say perfect… the film is often used as an example of how to present a movie.

    • +3

      Can we exclude the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, though? Those were excellent

      • No.

        • First Blood as best movie all time opinion detected - obviously really bad movie taste, opinion rejected

          • @ThithLord: You're an obvious shart wars fan so anything you say is just brainwashed Disney propaganda.

            • +2

              @Mechz: bahaha Disney Propaganda? Are movies going down the drain because of woke, mate? Is woke in the room with us now?

              I don't watch Star Wars.

            • +3

              @Mechz: FYI: the bulk of the "main story" (the original (4-6) and prequel (1-3) trilogies) were pre-Disney takeover, so it's a bit of a stretch to call the entire franchise "Disney propaganda".

    • Agree on Tremors. Another perfect movie is Predator.

      Don't agree on the MCU but phase 4 & 5 have been mostly "unentertaining, bland, saturated and repetitive." MCU peaked at Infinity War and has been massive drop off since Endgame.

      • Yep, that's why I said its Unpopular :)

  • +2


    • +1

      Hot take as always

  • +2

    Pop; First Blood is the greatest action movie of all time.

    UnPop; Superheroes are the most boring characters and any movie that relies on them is trash.

    • I thought the character Rambo was a Super Hero!
      (Hold on, you didn't think he was a real person did you?)

    • It's more than an action movie, it's a psychological thriller, it's incredible. Brilliant.

  • Unpopular - Bad Boys 2 is a classic

    • +2

      Pretty sure that’s popular.

      Unpopular: none of the Jurassic World movies can even come close Jurassic Park 3. They’ve all been F tier…maybe E tier at best.

  • +1

    I can't judge Barbie, I have no interest in her story. I guess I have to watch it cause it is popular.

  • +2

    Funniest: Blazing Saddles
    Best: Dr Strangelove, and anything else that has Peter Sellers playing multiple characters
    Worst: every remake of one of the classics … Hollywood has never done a remake that even gets close to the original

    • You should look at “Kind Hearts and Coronets” with Alec Guinness playing multiple roles. Great film with a lovely pay off.

      Many years ago, when we were in the US, Blazing Saddles seemed to be the film de jour with a number of channels. The funniest version was Fox Family. I have no idea why they thought they should show it because there wasn’t a lot left. The entire Lily Van Shtupp scene was missing. The N word was gone. The baked bean scene missing. It became a game of what has been cut out of the movie at this point. Made it even funnier.

      • +1

        You should look at “Kind Hearts and Coronets” with Alec Guinness playing multiple roles. Great film with a lovely pay off.

        That's a movie I have recorded for keeps on my TV/PC.

        • “I shot an arrow into the air, she came to earth in Barkley Square”.

    • I watched Dr Strangelove for the first time recently and didn't think it was funny, very disappointing.
      hard to judge a 60+ year old movie by today's standards however, but I also watched Charlie Chaplin movies from 90 years ago and they felt fresh and funny.

  • -1

    Popular : "Marvel and DC is awesomezzz guyzzzz!!!!".

    Unpopular : "Sound Of Freedom was an interesting take on the ch1ld tr@fficking trade".

    Here come the downvotes lol.

    • You're very clever! Very cheeky comment!

      • I’ve just had a revelation, from now on I think I’m going to call downvotes, “dumbvotes’.

        Now that’s clever!

        • You're on fire today, mate!

  • +2

    My faves
    The 1952 film of Importance of Being Earnest. Wonderfully cast and brilliantly acted.
    A Night at the Opera by the Marx brothers.
    Steel Magnolias.
    Field of Dreams.
    Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday.

    I find buckets of blood adventure films pretty dull. They should at least try to find a plot in there somewhere. Some are redeemed a tad by the odd witty line.

  • +1

    Popular- Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is an amazing and underrated movie that ticks just about every tick box

    Unpopular- The Irishman is self indulgent, boring and the most uninspiring movie that mind boggling has people calling it 'cinema perfection'. Absolute textbook movie that rides the coat tails of a directors name as opposed to delivering any good story, visual effects or content.

  • Waterboy.

  • Unpopular: paying $35 to see a movie. What a joke!

  • +1

    Popular: The best movie franchise has nothing to do with Marvel, 2Fast, Tom Cruise or Denzel. It is, by a mile, Paddington
    Unpopular: Remakes of classics and do-overs, like any Wonka or Ghostbusters, or that pile of rubbish with Rebel Wilson or Anne Hathaway (sob), are an abomination. For the love of god, stop it

  • +3

    Popular Opinion: The Last Jedi is a terrible Star Wars movie and it caused an irreparable rift in the fan base. It completely mishandles the central character of Luke and is an out right character assassination and the reasons given for his failure with his nephew and why he then turned his back on the galaxy go against established lore. At the same time it props up a terrible character in Rey who has plot armour so thick some call her a Mary Sue. And lastly left the wirters and director of the next movie barely anything to work with which is why The Rise of Skywalker is such a utterly dumb movie.

    Unpopular Opinion: Mad Max Fury Road is massively over rated that only looks good and the story can be summarised as "Mad Max There and Back Again" as the road trip is utterly pointless.

  • Popular: The new Batman is really good.

    Unpopular: Black Panther was mid.

  • +1

    Popular: Disney should stop re-making their classic animations into live action films.
    Unpopular: Some of the best comedies are not reviewed highly. Conversely, some highly rated comedies aren't funny.

    For example some of the Scary/Date/Not Another Teen/Disaster Movie" films can be a hoot because they don't take themselves seriously.
    America just doesn't do comedy well in general compared to the British.

    • Did you find Bridesmaids funny? I think that has to be one of the least funny popular "comedies" going about.

  • Popular: 2001 A Space Odyssey was probably the most groundbreaking movie of the 20th century.

    Popular: Shawshank Redemption was very satisfying.

    Unpopular: Oppenheimer is not as good as I thought it would be. The atomic bomb test scene is extremely unrealistic. The spy story is uninteresting. However, Cilian Murphy's acting is very good.

    Unpopular: Martin Scorsese is extremely overrated.

    Unpopular: Japanese make crap movies (usually because of the bad acting and the very unsubtle direction) (except for some anime) (except for Kurosawa)

    • Japanese make crap movies

      What is this based on? 🤔

    • Agree on Scorsese and De Niro

  • -2

    Since none of my opinions are popular, I can only do 2 unpopular ones.

    Unpopular opinion: Empire Strikes Back is a terrible movie. Everybody talks about the 'world building' which is just copium speak for 'it has no story'. Empire only exists to bridge together Star Wars and Return of the Jedi, and since Return is a mediocre re-hash of Star Wars, there actually is only 1 good Star Wars movie and it's called Star Wars.

    Unpopular opinion: Terminator is a pretty mediocre film. There is only 1 Terminator movie and it is called Terminator 2.

    • What if the Star Wars in Lucas' head was too much to squeeze into one movie, so he split it into a trilogy?
      Not to mention Ep4 had a notoriously tight budget and few believed it would be anything special.

      • Ep4 was very different from Lucas' original vision. There were a lot of script changes and some even argue that the editor basically saved the movie by splicing and overlaying stuff in extremely creative ways, saving off-cuts and outtakes and using them in the final cut.

        Empire has a lot of good ideas. I understand why people like it. But a lot of good ideas don't make a good movie any more than a lot of good ingredients make a meal. And if desert is just re-heated left-overs, it spoils the whole experience.

        You could be right. But regardless the story ideas had clearly run out after Empire. It's a tale told a thousand times over of an artist having only 1 or 2 really good ideas and then being expected to continue going on regardless.

    • +1

      You're right about Empire Strikes Back. I can't even remember what happens and I've seen it at least 3 times. Something about Luke fighting his father and that's it. Having said that, the Star Wars movies are overrated (except for the first one), and the Star Trek movies are underrated.

      • +1

        Oh man, have you just thrown a cat amongst the pigeons. Let me go get some popcorn.

  • +1

    Popular opinion: Forrest Gump should never have won best picture in 1995.

    Unpopular opinion: Your opinion of a bad movie is not valid until you have seen The Room.

  • +2

    Robert DeNiro is awful. He's now literally incapable of acting as anything other than a parody of himself from the 70s and 80s.

    The Good Shepherd was an incomprehensible turd.
    Spotlight was soooooo dull.

    The Neon Demon was an unexpectedly nearly perfect movie.

    Dave and Bored To Death are 2 of the most underrated comedy shows of all time.

    Charlie Chaplin and Marx Bros movies are still funny and relevant, nearly 100 years after they were made
    Dr Strangelove is now neither funny nor relevant.

    Smile is one of the best horrors of recent years.

  • -1

    Popular: Barbie
    Snubbed by the Academy, myself, probably you and rightly so.
    The hoards of fans are probably all tik-tokers.

    Unpopular: Popeye (1980)
    Panned by critics, I thought this live action version was deeply atmospheric and just the right side of weird.

    Guessing there aren't many tourist attractions in Malta, because the film set became a theme park.
    Still is, 44 years later.

    • -1

      If you read my initial post, I liked Barbie. I also don't take the Oscars seriously, so snubs mean nothing

      • -1

        Aww but you invited opinion. If you want an echo-chamber of mindless fangirling, you know where to go.

        • -1

          That was unnecessarily aggressive. Opinions aren't facts. Your wording suggests you believe they are and are uninterested in having your opinions challenged 🤷🏻‍♂️

          That or you just hate women/young people


          The hoards of fans are probably all tik-tokers



          These are less opinions and more insecure judgements

          • -1

            @Faro: And if one were to extrapolate further, having a high opinion of something such as Popeye - a cartoon famously known for exacerbating a non-consensual hero's narrative in that one man has the right to act on behalf of their values through violence if they consider another person to be a "greater evil" - might suggest a subconscious bias towards certain worldviews and ranking of sexes and gender roles .as somehow "objective". Olive Oyl has no discernable personality or preferences and is an object for the drunken (sorry, "spinach-fuelled") Popeye to obsess over and attempt to possess so long as she is in the hands of someone else.

            • -1

              @Faro: Knock Popeye all you like. There was no CGI or fancy tech-laden eye-candy trickery in 1980.
              The casting was perfect. Robin Williams achieved what should have been impossible. Practical sets and effects.

              Eat your greens, beat the baddie and get the girl. Seems entirely wholesome to me.

              • -1

                @Speckled Jim: Except it entirely denies consent and autonomy insfar as you are considered the 'second sex'.

                • -1

                  @Faro: And you deny the damage wrought by the product the movie seeks to celebrate:
                  • several generations worth of body dysmorphia
                  • significant petrochemical inputs
                  • damaging pollutants including microplastics

                  Popeye was kinder to the environment at least, being a cartoon and comic book. Did it reinforce gender stereotypes? Probably, but no more so than Barbie.
                  It also pre-dated the Mattel dolls by decades.

                  • -1

                    @Speckled Jim: You should consider stopping making odd arguments (that are addressed in the movie (because you haven't seen it)).

          • -1



            Reading and comprehension: fail


            You're questioning the marketing genuises of Mattel now? It was their gamble to market Barbie to…girls!
            Do you think a musical that's cynically targeted to a certain demographic can change history somehow? The target was broader, but they used the exact same template!

            Marketing works — Barbie is proof.

            • -1

              @Speckled Jim: Oh okay, you didn't see it!

              Thanks for clearing that up. All makes sense now. Carry on ☺️

  • Someone has put Dogma up on YouTube.

    Great movie.

    You might need to slide it back to the start.

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