Ducted Zone Control within Apple Homekit

Hi All,

Some of the below technical findings are within my understanding. I could be wrong as I am not aircon expert or electrician. I am happy to be corrected.

I have Samsung ducted aircon with 2x zones (upstairs and downstairs). Zones are controlled via switch which is 2 button light switch. I have looked at the switch cable connections and found out that live wire is connected to both open and close terminals which means zone damper gets electricity in both switch positions. I guess this is how zone damper opens and closes. I wanted to replace it with a switch that works with Apple Homekit (as all other light switches and power points are) but couldn't find one that handles live wire for both open and close terminals.

Thought about Shelly devices but couldn't see any of them would do what I wanted. Also, I don't want to lose the manual functionality of the switch just in case.

I saw some expensive devices. Cannot remember if they were working with Apple Homekit or not but don't want to pay 100s of dollars for this.

Any suggestion?

PS: I am somewhat familiar with changing firmware of devices with ESP chips which I did it for the light switches.


  • Any suggestion?

    Make your own.

  • I've done this using a Tuya 2 gang relay module. Had to modify the PCB(rewired the onboard tactile buttons to two switches on a wall plate) to add two switches but other than that it was a simple retrofit. In your care you will have to find something similar that works with Homekit

    One very important thing to note: Make sure you add a rule to have at least one duct open at all times. Otherwise if someone tries to tune the aircon with both ducts closed you will quite likely end up with a burst duct.

    • tune/turn: damn autocorrect

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