Decent Quiet Portable Air Conditioner Easy to Find in Australia

Hi Everyone,

I know that summer has already passed and we're well into autumn, but the weather is still sporatic.

I just moved into a new place and I spoke to Strata and I cannot get an aircon installed except for in my living room area, so that is the plan for now.
However, in the meantime, I'd need a portable aircon just for my medium sized bedroom for when I sleep (I run hot in general and moreso when I'm trying to fall asleep for some reason),

I had one years ago and it was super loud but in the years since I got rid of that, I've seen some of my mates with relatively quiet ones.

Does anyone have any recommendations and links for a portable aircons that they personally know is not too loud and can cool relatively well?
Thanks for any help!


  • relatively quiet ones.

    Quiet portable ones or?

    • yeah, I used the word relatively because I've probably seen like 5 or so portable ones last year, and some of them were stupidly loud, and others were just somewhat loud.
      Looking for one on the lower end of that spectrum :) (I know it'll still be loud)

      • I was looking briefly for one of those slimline window mounted ones like the taco slim series, perfect for rentals but I’m not convinced it would be any good

  • +1

    Also consider mattress chillers* and/or cooler bedding.

    *You can spend $4k on an 8-sleep or you can just get an inline fan and duct it under your covers with some stormwater pipe.

    • Ooo, I've seen 8 sleep sponsor some youtubers I watch, I'll look into the inline fan option, Thanks!

  • +1

    Just a thought, we have a much older portable omega altise which is actually reverse cycle, using it in winter for heating has been much more efficient than using electric heaters. Although quite a bit noisier.

    If you are wanting a portable air con though better move quickly, they are all listed as clearance across good guys and bing lee, so probably only store stock remaining.

  • +1

    I read that the Penguino model is relatively quiet, but it's so expensive for the powerful model. And I bet it's still fairly loud. It's not the loudness that bothers me so much as the shaking and knocking when the compressor turns on and off. The loud white noise I can handle, but stopping and starting is very annoying on my cheap Arlec from Bunnings.

  • +1

    Quiet and effective appear to be mutually exclusive

  • "I've seen some of my mates with relatively quiet ones"
    Problem sorted?

    • this was years ago and I don't remember which mates had them at their house haha. I shoulda took note but I had no need for a portable one until now since I just moved.

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