Why was 'Dr Harry' such an apparently shameless drug pusher on his TV show? Was it 'cash for comment'?

Every single episode of 'Dr Harry' that I watch these days seems to include him prominently/very deliberately naming a specific drug, and 'prescribing' it/recommending it to some starry-eyed/'fan-boy'-type family for their pet … often seemingly 'at the drop of a hat'. He routinely does this when (in my opinion) a bit of behavioural training would most likely achieve a good result, and sometimes he appears to do it for no real reason at all.

A recently witnessed (on the telly) case in point:

'Old Hazza' visits a family who wants to stop one of their two chickens laying her eggs while standing up, because sometimes those eggs are breaking. Hazza tells the dad in the family to build a better nesting box (fair enough); but then his ears prick up as he hears the other hen making a crowing-type sound. He then launches into an enthusiastic account of how in the absence of a rooster, one of the hens in a group will sometimes take on some male-type traits.

Importantly, there is nothing bad about this entirely natural occurrence/evolved behaviour/adaptation by the way, and in fact it has some positive consequences for a rooster-less flock of chickens. But Hazza is having none of it!

He spends a good part of the segment recommending that this poor hen be administered a quite powerful human female hormone, which he names—as far as I can gather—a specific brand of, in his words to get the hen to start 'behaving more like a lady!' (his emphasis).

As the kids say these days, 'totes redic' …

This is far from an uncommon occurrence on the show. In other episodes Hazza visits a family with a dog or cat with a very mild behavioural 'problem'/habit (such as liking to sleep on the couch or the bed) that the owners find undesirous. Rather than a simple course of reward training combined (if required) with gentle water spray 'discouragement' training, Hazza predictably suspects/verbalises some sort of deeper problem, 'whips out' a drug, and as far as I can tell, names a specific brand of that drug, not the generic name of the drug.

I would be interested to know if others have noticed this.


  • +5

    Just another show scripted by Big Pharma. Same with the highly popular fake evening news.

  • I have fond memories watching Harry's Practise as a kid. Please don't ruin it.

    • +1

      You already have by using an s and instead of a c.

  • +18

    Watching Dr Harry re-runs at 2am on a Saturday morning tells us who the real cooker is.

    • -1

      It may surprise you to learn that quite a large proportion of the population is required to be at work 'after hours' (shift work/night shift/etc.), in order to keep modern societies functional.

      • +1

        I know. I'm a shift worker as well. Sucks sometimes.

  • +1

    I never noticed to be honest. Similar to the other person I enjoyed it as a kid too watching someone who I guess seemed kind helping out animals. I swear I remember an episode where he trained a cockroach?
    Its been a long time since I seen an episode though, but many of those shows (like the whole Better Homes and Gardens) are largely built for advertising purposes.

    • '… trained a cockroach'


      Man, I want what you're having …

  • +7

    I remember Dr Katrina Warren and there may have even been a few segments about Pets…

    • +2

      Loved Katrina but every time she said "impordant" (sic) a little bit of my love died. It eventually got to a point where there was no love left.

      Here is a sample at the 10 second and 1:15 marks

      • -1


        This reminds me a bit of how—despite being a staunch liberal—I started out deriving a degree of enjoyment from listening to Julia Gillard trying to 'stick it to the man' etc.

        But there's only so many times you can hear 'Cloimate Choinge' and such, before it really grates. Not her fault of course … I just could no longer listen to it.

        If we were playing a verbal version of charades, I would say … "Rhymes with a ship's officer in charge of crew and equipment".


  • He tried them first to make sure they were safe for pets though

  • … recommending that this poor hen be administered a quite powerful human female hormone ….. to get the hen to start 'behaving more like a lady!'

    Don't doctors do this for humans too?

    • -2

      No, they don't; at least not in Australia.

  • Having a crowing hen in the city might be a bad idea with the neighbours.

    Got to admit I don’t remember many of the Dr Harry segments. So it probably doesn’t matter what he is pushing.

    However, given the time you posted this maybe finding something to help you sleep might be in your benefit.

    • +2

      Drugs are either the solution or the problem.

    • -2

      Let me get your opinion on this clarified for the gallery t2 …

      Because you personally 'don't remember many Dr Harry segments', 'it probably doesn’t matter what he is pushing'.

      Is that what you are genuinely asserting?

      • -1

        I’m saying that the effect of the shows is marginal at best nowadays. It is no longer prime time viewing and I doubt most people would remember whatever he was pushing back then. Frankly there are far more important issues to be outraged about than an old TV program that recommends a medication, especially as your own pet’s vet would need to prescribe it. The animals concerned would be long dead, especially the lady chicken. Frankly, I’m more concerned about why we keep getting these daft forum posts.

        • ' Frankly, I’m more concerned about why we keep getting these daft forum posts.'

          Yet curiously, you always feel the need to contribute to them. Four contributions in this one alone …

          • -1

            @GnarlyKnuckles: Yes because I’m trying to point out the rational argument to stop others going down your rabbit hole. If you don’t fill voids with something other people might get sucked in. Obviously it happened to you.

            • @try2bhelpful: lol …ah, the irony …

              • -1

                @GnarlyKnuckles: I'm just telling the truth according to the medical professionals. The people who understand how this all works rather than the people who get their information from the equivalent of some guy on the corner yelling at clouds.

                • @try2bhelpful: What you are actually doing is repeatedly 'sharing' your own misguided and overly simplistic opinions. You are clearly not in touch with 'medical professions', and that assertion is laughable. You don't seem to be able to grasp the important aspects/crux of an issue, and instead you tend to get totally side-tracked by your own interpretation of what you (usually wrongly) think it is that the OP is actually describing/seeking opinions on.

                  Your apparent beliefs about what you think the important issues at hand here are, are prime examples:

                  'The animals concerned would be long dead …'

                  That's totally irrelevant to anything at all, and any rational thinker would realise this instantly.

                  'It is no longer prime time viewing …'

                  Also utterly irrelevant. It still airs multiple times a week in Australia, and god knows how often in other countries.

                  '… especially as your own pet’s vet would need to prescribe it …'

                  Wrong again TB. Some of the drugs pushed on the show are 'over-the-counter'.

                  Here's another doozy of yours in this thread:

                  'Got to admit I don’t remember many of the Dr Harry segments. So it probably doesn’t matter what he is pushing.'

                  Errrrm … so because you personally don't remember something, "… it probably doesn't matter"?!? That's astonishingly self-centred/etc. … but beyond that it's also a hilarious insight into your psyche.

                  I could go on, but I sense that you are the type of dude who learnt their last thing when they were about 17 or 18, and ever since you have assumed that you are correct about everything. That is a sad way to be, because it means you will never become wiser.

                  Oh well.

                  Happy trails.

  • +3

    Won't somebody please think of the children!

  • If there’s a pet with a problem he is damn well sorting it the (profanity) out

    • -1

      His 'go-to' seems to be to 'damn well space it out …'. Possibly for cash; but that's just MY OPINION. Watch the shows (particularly the later ones), which still air frequently, and make up your own mind.

  • -1

    Stop over analysing everything and enjoy the show

    • -2

      Social/intelligent pets being needlessly prescribed sedatives and the like for life is not a trivial issue.

  • +4

    if u play it in reverse you hear
    join the army

  • The swingers parties and orgies at his house were well known and very wild. He was always a creep trying to get young women over.

    When I visited his old house after it was as sold the whips and leather were still present in the party room. The whole house was all done up by Seven since some of it was shown on tv. Too bad he trashed the place during settlement.

    Everyone knows this in Tassie. Unfortunately a few mainlanders live in a fantasy world and believe none of this could happen to anyone so loved on TV. You can find talk of this on Google going back more than 10 years ago.

    • If that was the case surely you would’ve called one of the shock jock current affair stations to do a feature on it. You could’ve made a packet.

      • There's nothing illegal about being a swinger so why would they care? He's not a dodgy tradie.

        • They would’ve salivated over a story about it. Nothing they like better than a kinky story.

          • @try2bhelpful: They really don't. Breaking news Dr Harry Cooper has had sex. Until now we have no idea how he had children. The outrage.

            • @Clear: I think you might be a tad naive on the taste for prurience of the viewing public.

              • @try2bhelpful: Or perhaps everyone else thinking none of this happens with anyone behind closed doors. You'd be surprised how many people are swingers. You'd be shocked who you'd see on apps like Grindr 😜

                • @Clear: I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. I’m just saying reporting on a celebrity who is like that would get a lot of viewers.

        • +1

          'He's not a dodgy tradie'

          Depending on your definition of a 'tradie', I reckon he may be just that.

    • Won't somebody please think of the animals!

      • Won't the animals please think of the children!

  • It's commercial TV - of course it's paid for by someone.

  • -3

    What does it matter? All these pets would be long gone by now.

  • I would like to know which brand names and drugs he named so I can investigate further and make my own conclusion.

    • If you want to know that, simply watch the shows, which are currently still aired frequently, and also available for download via various means.

  • Follow the money. I'm sure he believes he's doing the right thing. Unfortunately, vets are just as much responsible for poisoning pets, as dr's are for poisoning humans.
    As far as I'm aware, drug companies can't advertise directly, so they develop "relationships" with key people & organisations who can promote their products indirectly.

    • Yo Deanster … re:

      'I'm sure he believes he's doing the right thing.'

      I am no where near sure about that. Have a look at some of the shows, and the drugs he prescribes for minor behavioural problems that could be permanently fixed very rapidly by a decent trainer.

      In my humble opinion, this is a pretty obvious case of cash-for-…

      • -1

        Linking to a recent example would help.

        I had a quick look at an early Harry's Practice episode (1997) someone uploaded to youtube & went right to the end to the credits. Before the video cut off there were 4 sponsors listed that were in a commercial relationship with the show, RMWilliams, Landrover, 4Paws Vet Clinic & Kellyville Pets. OK, so it was over a quarter century ago & early days in Hazza's tv career.

        Out of curiosity, I visited https://www.4pawsvet.com.au/
        Lo & behold, home page big banner, get your….feline vaccinations now…..protect your pet.
        Poisons! Carnage! Want to see the effects of these "vaccinations"? Visit their pet health page: https://www.4pawsvet.com.au/pet-health/
        What does one notice?
        Urinary blockages…..arthritis……separation anxiety……pancreatitis…..hyperthyroidism…..hyperadrenocorticism….due to poisons like vaccinations!

        Anyway, link to an example so I can evaluate it a bit more. You've piqued my interest.

        • Vaccinations that save pets lives. Why do we seem to attract so many oddballs to this site?

          • @try2bhelpful: "Vaccination saves lives."

            Repeat something often enough & people will automatically take it to be truth.

            • @mrdean: Nah mate, I’ve just visited enough cemeteries to see the ages of the kids buried there. Not so much happening anymore.

              I’m not sure what kick you guys get out of denying reality but, fortunately, most of the population gets it. Have a look at what polio did to the kids in the 50s. How the number of kids disabled by the disease dropped off dramatically after they found a vaccine for it. The world has fundamentally eradicated smallpox due to vaccines.

              What we aren’t seeing is a mass die off to people who’ve been vaccinated.

              • @try2bhelpful:

                Nah mate, I’ve just visited enough cemeteries to see the ages of the kids buried there. Not so much happening anymore.

                It's funny, that discussion is in the other thread (seed oils), & yet you have absolutely nothing to say about the graphs that clearly show mortality declining way before vaccination for measles was introduced. It clearly shows you were absolutely wrong in your claim, but you just ignore & repeat things like

                "All we are doing is pointing out to rational people how much of a benefit vaccines are to creatures, including ourselves. You aren’t going to reach the antivaxxers they are too far down the rabbit hole."

                in another comment below.

                Anyway, here's some MORE mortality graphs, from Australia: https://vaccinationdilemma.com/historical-death-rates-diseas…

                But keep up the cognitive dissonance, it's doing wonders.

          • @try2bhelpful: Wait till you see the side effects of EGGS! The secret that Big Egg don't want you know!

            Skin inflammation or hives —
            Nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing (allergic rhinitis)
            Digestive symptoms, such as cramps, nausea and vomiting
            Asthma signs and symptoms h


            • @Ughhh: Just for your education, flu shots are cultured on eggs. Injecting egg protein into the blood, bypassing the gut, is a recipe for sensitivity upon future exposure.

              Since you mentioned anaphylaxis, let's go to the guy who is credited with coining the term in modern times:

              If you accept the above, then consider what other "protein" (like egg) remnants are to be found in injectable vaccines.

              • +1

                @mrdean: Don't forget the side effects of H2O. For your education, did you know you can poisoned by it, and also drown.
                You should really avoid this poison and question anything and everything with H2O in it!

                • @Ughhh:

                  Don't forget the side effects of H2O.

                  Lol, when you have nothing to counter with, go with the absurd analogy! Love it.

                  • @mrdean: When you deal with the irrational you can counter with the absurd.

                    • @try2bhelpful: You mean, when linking to a nobel prize winner who coined the term "anaphylaxis" & explained that injecting any proteins into the blood, bypassing the gastric juices results in sensitizing the organism to future exposures of the protein, hence "anaphylaxis" or "allergic reaction", is irrational?

                      Lol, it really is a clown world.

                      • -1

                        @mrdean: Well you certainly are the chief clown. I'm just standing on the sidelines trying to stop others getting spattered with white wash from your act.

                  • +1


                    Injecting egg protein into the blood, bypassing the gut, is a recipe for sensitivity upon future exposure.

                    Are the inactive/active virus harvested from the egg, then purified. Or the whole egg fluid is injected into people?

                    Or, what Big pharma doesn't want you to know, they inject the whole boiled egg into your arm, hence some people's arm may be a little swollen afterwards.


                    What I want to know is, what's your take on Big Egg?

                    • -1

                      @Ughhh: love it. So it isn't all that fried food that gives us cholesterol problems it is being injected with eggs.

        • +1

          Want to see the effects of these "vaccinations"? Visit their pet health page: https://www.4pawsvet.com.au/pet-health/
          What does one notice?
          Urinary blockages…..arthritis……separation anxiety……

          You forgot to add that you'll also notice Easter, Christmas, picnic and BBQ symptoms. Oh, and the cat/dog may suddenly start showing spring cleaning symptoms and start feeding bunnies. You're right, some messed up shit going on here.

          • -1

            @Ughhh: All we are doing is pointing out to rational people how much of a benefit vaccines are to creatures, including ourselves. You aren’t going to reach the antivaxxers they are too far down the rabbit hole.

            Although fun fact. There is currently a measles outbreak occuring which seems to be coming in from people travelling overseas. They say anyone born since 1964 should make sure they are vaccinated. Apparently before that date they just assume we were all infected.

          • @Ughhh: Just imagine what these guys search history must look like :)

  • +2

    Are you saying now the drugs don't work? They just make you worse?

  • Not exactly, ShoeMan.

    What I am saying is that 'Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown', some of these hopped up pets are (probably) 'dying' to come down.

  • The special ' great goodbye' episodes were a tear jerker. The senior vet stood at his stainless steel bench and cooked pet after pet with the same jumbo needle. All with the Benny Hill theme playing.

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