Wireless1 - my unique email has been used by another company

I make a point of using iCloud hide my email where possible. In some cases I even go back and update existing “real” emails with an iCloud hide my email version

This has worked extremely well. And it’s perfect for catching out exactly this issue

Started receiving emails from a company called “zoe kratzmann”. Initially didn’t think much of it. Then I started to get a few more.

After looking into it, turns out my unique one-time-use-only was “gained” by this company. An email I’ve only ever given to wireless1

The email is sent from
[email protected]

The only other way I can say that maybe this email go out and it wasn’t directly wireless1 is something called “Sitejabber” which sent me a follow up on an order I placed at wireless1

Anyone else getting fashion marketing emails from Zoe?

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Wireless 1


  • +1

    I use a global redirect for the same reason - haven't receieved any spam on the email I've used for Wireless1.

    Doesn't mean you're wrong - just another data point :)

  • We'd need to see the full email headers to get a better sense of what's going on.

    Zoe Kratzmann is a legitimate brand. I would think that an email coming from it would most likely just be a spoof address to trick you into clicking through to a scam website.

    The web is full of email address lists collected from thousands of hacks and internet scraping. It's going to be hard to guess how your email address was originally exposed.

    First step though would be to put the email address in here and see if it comes up https://haveibeenpwned.com/

    Also, how good really is your memory of where you used the email address. If it was a few years ago it's more than possible you used it to enter a competition, or something, and then simply forgot about it.

    • +2

      It's going to be hard to guess how your email address was originally exposed.

      Single use emails? Did you even read OP

        • -1

          There is no such thing as a "single use email"

          You can have [email protected], the same as [email protected] which makes it very easy to track exactly who uses what 'signle use' email each business shares about. They all return to your 'root' email address prior to the plus sign.

          If a business shares said email, such as to an external survey company like SiteJabber, then it's easy to see where else your email is shared to without your permission - and now the business who the email was originally given to, in this case Wireless1.

          There is no reason at all why OP couldn't continue to use that email address for all sorts of things

          Except if they're tracking with suffixes like I said.

          • -8

            @Switchblade88: Nothing you've said there contradicts anything I've said. Just because OP created [email protected] doesn't limit them to only using it on Wireless1. You're just being a pedant and trying to get into an argument, whereas I was trying to be helpful. I would think it significantly more likely that OP's "single use" email address is simply OP+randomnumbers and that they found out what they used it on by searching through their inbox

            • +3


              I would think it significantly more likely that OP's "single use" email address is simply OP+randomnumbers

              If you read OP, he is using hide my email so whatever you're saying doesn't make any sense.

              • @askbargain: @AngoraFish
                so yes I'm not using a variation of [email protected]

                iCloud hide my email, for those that don't know, use creates a completely unique email address with dictionary words, numbers and separators.
                the result is usually something like this

                [email protected]

                I'm so convinced that I've never used the same email address anywhere else, because I actually don't even know what the email address is, I need to look it up in my iCloud details to remember. When I fill out a form on wireless1.com, the iOS/macOS will fill out the unique email for me. I don't need to remember it. Indeed I can give out the email to other sites and receive email to it if I want, but I don't do that and it goes against the idea of using the unique address per site.

                its tooooo unique to randomly be guessed, and there is no tie-in/algorithm that can be followed to be traced back to the original account/email address.

                no listing on the haveibepwned for the given email address.

                that being said, even if Zoe kratzman was email my gmail alias it would still be concerning, because they are emailing the [email protected] email and not the base account (or another that they had created for their own mailing purpose)

                The iCloud hide my email relay does change the sender details so that we can reply from the unique address back to the sender via the iCloud servers.

                I can take a look at the headers, but I don't quite know what ill be looking for.

                From what I can tell its a genuine Zoe K marketing email, and not a phishing/spoof attempt.

                Going through my email, I can see when I was emailed to this address.

                wireless1 (obviously)
                sitejabber (order progress update from wireless1 order)
                Australia post (delivery feedback of the order sent via Auspost)

                the Zoe K emails have started in the past 4 months I would guess

  • Have you had any dealings with Zoe Kratzman at all?
    I know some services like “sitejabber” conflate my details between sellers, all of a sudden offering sms notifications from a retailer I haven’t given my mobile number to. And the reverse, where they use a phone number to match up with an email.

    • no I've never used Zoe kratzman

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