The Good Guys Gold Service Extras - Worth It for IP?

About to buy an oven for an investment property. I know normally extended warranties aren't worth it, but this is for an IP and I thought it might just make it easier if things go wrong as getting tradies even to inspect is expensive. It'll be more than $500 though - so I won't get the instant replacement thing.

Anyone got any experiences. The other thing is they seem to give you $60 in store cash credits per year. This in itself seems too good to to be true - as it'll make its money back over 5 years. Any one know gotchas? I can't see it a minimum spend or anything so presumably i should just be able to use it on like detergent or some product I'll need anyway.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys


  • IP or not, extend warranty on oven is not worth it.

    • -1

      i mean - yeah if you're willing to put in the effort to claim that it shoudl be fixed under ACCC guarantee, you'll get the same benefit. But you know, it's an IP - i won't have that much visibility about what's wrong with the unit - it'll be easier to just have it all agreed. Plus the $60 storecash credits amount to more than the warranty cost anyway.

      • +1

        Well look like you already made up your mind.

  • +1

    How much is it? It sounds like one of those things where they promise you the world at the time of purchase and then a few years down the track (when things are more likely to go wrong), give you jack all.

    • $125 for 5 years for an appliance worth 600 dollars.

      Worst case like you said they try to weasel out of it when something goes wrong. But even then they give you three $20 vouchers every year so that's 300 dollars worth of gift cards I'll use to buy washing powder or something. Plus it's all tax deductible.

  • +1

    I did for the dryer, but I got 3.5x more of its cost in TGG concierge credit in the 3 years

    • -1

      Yeah cool. That's what I feel like makes sense. What did you spend the credits on?

      • +1

        I didn't get it for 2 years, so after the end of each year I complained and they sent me a lump sum of $60 each time. Got a Phillips shaver and a laundry drying rack. Then they kept sending me $20 credits every 2 months in the 3rd year so laundry baskets, batteries etc lol

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