Need New Phone - iPhone 5, Nokia Lumia 920 or Nexus 4?


So at some point over summer I'd like to invest in a new phone and I'm deciding between the iphone 5, Nokia Lumia 920 or Nexus 4.

I had the SGS 2 which was great but I lost it 6 or 7 months after i got it and I'm stuck with a retarded iphone 4 that can't even handle opening a message (probably because I jailbroke it and installed too many tweaks).

But what is your recommendation of what I should get next? I will have to buy outright as I'm still on a contract.

I am tempted to get the iphone 5 just because my friends are on it and imessage works so well for group messaging.

However the Lumia 920 and Nexus 4 both sound great. The Lumia just seems like a great all round phone except for the lack of apps, namely spotify, and no imessage.

The nexus 4 is cheap for what it offers as well, the lack of 4g might be annoying but it's not like optus have a 4g network in Adelaide.

Anyway what are your opinions?

Poll Options

  • 9
    iPhone 5
  • 8
    Nokia Lumia 920
  • 27
    LG Nexus 4


  • Have you used Windows Phone 8? The biggest difference by far will be the OS, so I recomend first picking iOS/Android/Windows Phone, then pick a suitable phone.

    Note: This doesn't work at the low end of the market, but you only list expensive phones anyway.

  • I haven't used WP8 yet. But I'd like to hear what others think about it?

  • The only reason I use an iPhone is because my friends use iphone and imessage is easy. Whatsapp is not reliable at time.

    Would like to try a Win8 phone.

  • +1

    Firstly I'd be doing a complete wipe of the iPhone 4 to make it usable again!
    Plus you get iMessage compatibility for "free".
    Clearly you're a tinkerer (Jailbreaking is what tinkerer's do), so in my books, choosing iOS or Windows Phone is going against your instincts.

    Have you considered runout Android models like Sony Xperia Sola which is dirt cheap (from Vodafone) and has a Dual Core CPU similar to the SGS2?

    If you have to have the latest and greatest, I don't think you'll find a Nexus 4 at RRP until next year… even more reason to wipe that iPhone 4.
    The Nexus 4 certainly has great bang for buck and should survive (provided you don't lose it) until the rollout of "proper" 700MHz 4G LTE-Advanced networks which I would expect to start in 2014.
    Currently 4G is a great battery hog and I'd rarely be in a coverage area. It could even be that as more people upgrade to 4G handsets that 3G handsets get a bit of a speed boost due to reduced congestion!

    • +1

      It could even be that as more people upgrade to 4G handsets that 3G handsets get a bit of a speed boost due to reduced congestion!

      This. Not only handsets but wireless internet devices, which are more likely to more over. Of course none of this helps if you are in an area without LTE.

      • Adelaide is due to get it next year, but it'll be the typical CBD only coverage area I imagine.

  • I do plan on wiping the phone soon just need to sit down and actually do it.

    I do like your points on 3g vs 4g, however does anyone have an issue with the nexus 4's size?

    Also does anyone know how fast the apps are growing on WP8? and are the updates to Windows phone as notoriously bad as some Android updates?

    • Size is a preference. Many people are ok with the size with all the Galaxy s3 and notes sold. Go and hold a 4.7inch phone instore to see if you like it.

      No figures on wp8 app growth rate, but it does have quite a few of the main apps, obviously it will take a while to get to iOS and Android quantities.

      Windows Phone hasn't been out that long, hard to say what updates are like, though many androids take forever to receive an update, the nexus line receives it straight from Google.

  • I would advise to go and have feel of windows phone before you buy because its completely new UI compared to iOs and Android.

    • It's not "New", the interface WP8 is practically the same in WP7. It's just "different" to the other two. It's also much better.

  • Decide if you want apps or interface.

    My guess it's apps if you jailbroke your iphone

    Nothing worse than finding you have a smart phone, but cant use any smart apps.

    Hence its probably IOS or Android.

    Contrary to scubacoles' logic about IOS not being for tinkerers. How does Jailbreaking indicate being a tinkerer while at the same time meaning that IOS isnt for tinkerers?

    So this doesnt make the decision easier.

    While I have my personal preferences, which is irrelevant to you, the factors I would consider is.. (not necessarily in order of preference)

    1. Apps I have already paid for
    2. Comfort with the OS I have already
    3. What friends/family have (although not the greatest reason)
    4. Resale
    5. Reliability

    Totally agree with the LTE issue of power use. Now that a number of the platforms support this, you will notice that LTE as a must have, has gone away, and now power is of more concern.

    • 3, 4 and 5 are probably my major concerns as I'm comfortable with ios and android.

      I might just wait until after christmas to see if there are any 'unwanted gifts' and go from there.

      I also agree that power is more important than having 4g however this can just be solved by turning it off.

      I'm starting to tinker less with my phones these days anyway so I may just go with the boring iphone. It does tick all the boxes for 3,4 and 5 though.

      Thanks for your input everyone!

      • Is reason 3 because of imessage? I'm sure all those friends/family that use it would also be using viber/whatsapp for their friends with other phones.

        The Nexus 4 is the price the phone normally drops to after a year. The Galaxy Nexus is still around $350ish.

        Dunno about the low end androids, but the Nexus 4 has crashed/rebooted for me neither has the Note 2 for the short time I had it.

        One awesome thing about the nexus 4 is it's about half the price.

        • Not sure about the OP, but the messaging function would not be the reason why I would consider what friends and family have, its also the interface, plus advice on new programs, things they use, plus when I want answers to things etc.

          When someone decides something, there is always someone around who wants to push what they like.

          Giving advice, but respecting someone's ability to make a decision is very important.

          When I am asked by someone what phone/computer they should buy, my first question is always what they have already and then if they want to change, what their friends use.

          Where I work there is group who love their phones, 5 have one OS, the other has a different one, when they get in a group they discuss their partners Facebook, plus their phones, latest apps. Guess who feels a little left out.

          Note I dont even discuss here which phone OS the group is using.

          That way they can find out what works for their friends and also if things are equal they can get advice on little things that they need to understand.

          Unless of cause I want to be their support person, which I dont.

    • There's a limit to what you can do on a Jailbroken iOS device..
      On Android, especially a Nexus, you'll have a veritable flurry of alternative ROMs to try out.
      And Apple have shown that they are getting MUCH better at locking down their iOS hardware (ie AppleTV3 is STILL not Jailbroken) and I figure, that once you buy into iOS, it's VERY hard to get out… iPhone 5 offers that chink in the walled garden to get out due to the dock connector change.
      If you buy into iPhone 5, you buy into a whole new walled garden right at the time that Apple are showing an ability to lock you in harder than ever!

      • So now its degrees of hacking.

        If you want 69% hackability then choose….

        Where as 78.2% you choose…..

        And to use the BS about a dock connector. Someone spends $800 on a phone and worries about a $20 adapter. You know many people spend more on their phone cover. Gee Apple why did you make my old phone cover obsolete. Inconsiderate bastards who just want to make life difficult.

        Just like everyone said how bad not having LTE was, but now its on another OS, then the discussion revolves around LTE sucking up power.

        Maybe some people just want a phone to use rather than play with it. They may have other things to do with their life.

        If only us bargain hunters were the same. LOL

        • Not just that (and the split is more like do you want 100% hacking vs 20%), my argument is also that iOS appears to offer an ever diminishing degree of hacking and that once you buy into an ecosystem, you tend to stay with that ecosystem (especially if you're an Ozbargainer) so it's not just this phone, but your next phones that should be factored into this decision.

          iPhone 5/iOS6 is VERY difficult to jailbreak as evidenced by the fact that they still (months after release) only have tethered jailbreak..
          If Apple merge the lockdown technologies they've used for AppleTV3 (which is also iOS and has had no jailbreak for over 12 months now) in iPhone 6 (or 5s), then you're financially investing (buying apps and new accessories/adapters to match the new dock connector) in an ecosystem that potentially into the future allows you zero customisation at all!

          If you are want to tinker, I think this HAS to be a consideration..

        • If you are want to tinker, I think this HAS to be a consideration..


          As the OP said

          I'm starting to tinker less with my phones

          As for something definitive…

          100/20 sounds great but really can it ever be quantified.

          As for Android, as similar argument can be made by those waiting for 3rd parties to provide root kits for older phones etc to upgrade the OS

  • HHmm. Why limit yourself?

    I LOVE the Samsung Galaxy S III 4G, and it's still in ALL 4 magazine subscriptions as the #1 uber phone or at least second.

    If you were happy with your S II, this is SO much better again.


  • +1

    It comes down to whether you want to play with your phone or use your phone — although these are not mutually exclusive, and your preference might change after you acquired the phone. From your description:

    I am tempted to get the iphone 5 just because my friends are on it and imessage works so well for group messaging.

    So if you really want to be part of your friends' iMessage ring, that does not leave any other choice.

    The Lumia 920 and Nexus 4 both sound great.

    Yes those are the phones if you are attracted by their features (and also price, in the case of Nexus 4). But as you've said, no iMessage. Personally I'll pick Nexus 4 which is just a bit more than half price of the other two. I'm too old and too busy to message my friends all the time, not that I have many iPhone wielding friends.

  • +1

    TBH why don't you just factory restore your iPhone 4 and upgrade to the latest IOS? wouldn't that solve all your problems?

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