Sup guys,

Was doing some research into Ozbargain and was astonished with how popular or (how much the founder is getting on average) from our constant ozbargaining!

Statistics Summary for ozbargain.com.au
Ozbargain.com.au is ranked #6,995 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Relative to the overall population of internet users, this site's audience tends to be Caucasian; it also appeals more to childless, both uneducated and highly educated men earning over $60,000. It is particularly highly ranked in the city of Stockton (#10). Visitors to OzBargain spend approximately four minutes per visit to the site and 45 seconds per pageview.

should earn about $167.62/day from advertising revenue.

ozbargain.com.au receives about 50,337 unique visitors and 151,010 (3.00 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $167.62/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $66,248.95.

Thanks for the site boys don't do without it!


Sources: http://ozbargain.com.au.hypestat.com/


  • +7

    Not sure why the LOL at the end, but I think it's a great thing that we are supporting Scotty for providing such a great platform for us all to use.

    I check OzBargain daily and am thankful for all the posters that have found and want to share some great deals.

  • This was discussed before.

    I checked last month with a couple of different sites and found OzBargain was worth either $2554 or $318K. A bit of variance there.

    You can see the latest official stats here. We've surpassed 5M visits a month. For scale, I believe Whirlpool is doing twice that amount although they only have ads for guests.

  • +6

    Ozbargain.com.au is ranked #6,995 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings.

    Alexa ranking is crap, biased towards tech-savvy geeks rather than general public…

    this site's audience tends to be Caucasian

    We are an Australian site, after all. Although photos from our Brisbane Meetup in October shows that OzBargain is a lot more multi-cultural.

    it also appeals more to childless

    Hopefully not as a result of spending too much time sitting in front of computer looking for bargains :)

    It is particularly highly ranked in the city of Stockton

    I guess it's Stockton NSW. Never been there, but would like to visit now as Alexa reckons it's the top 10 site in that town.

    Also note that while OzBargain was first started as a side project which I've been moonlighting over 4 years, it's a "proper Australian business" now paying salary of 3 employees (I myself included) to keep the site running smoothly, developing new features, tuning algorithms to reduce gaming the system (which always happen when a site becomes popular), resolving issues from members as well as merchants, etc (yes there's a lot of work).

    Was coding the affiliation link detection stuff at 12am last night to automate our commenting policy that no affiliate/referral links are allowed in comments…

  • +4

    it also appeals more to childless

    Hopefully not as a result of spending too much time sitting in front of computer looking for bargains :)

    Couldn't find a bargain for children. Too expensive. :)

    BTW, thanks again Scotty and team, you're a legend.

  • Scotty you the man. :D

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