Calculator with '000' digit button

Hi Ozbargain Community,

I'm in the market for a calculator, similar to this one on amazon:…

Basically it MUST have a '000' button, and preferably 14 digits; any brand/model is fine.

My issue with not purchasing the amazon one is that it is $20, PLUS over $30 in postage, so $50 total.

Thanks in advance!


  • +9

    Are you using it for emergencies?

    • +1

      Hahaha, Good one aerona,

      No, actually it's for pricings, and when you deal with thousands, it's much easier to add 1 '000', + 72'000', than push the digits manually.


  • +4… $20
    Store pickup 33 Park St, South Melbourne 3205 $0.00
    Standard Delivery $10.00

    • +3

      Thanks battler!

      Now I know why I really appreciate ozbargain - sure beats those Amazon's crazy delivery prices!

      I've ordered two, and will be able to pickup early next week.

      Thanks again!

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