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[PS4] Bloodborne: Game of The Year Edition $23.97, Vampyr $10.99 @ PlayStation Store


Bloodborne GOTY Edition is 50% off on PlayStation Store. For those that is interested in souls games.


A vampire game takes place in London 1918. You're a doctor who is also a vampire, the choice to heal the city is on you.

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  • +2

    For those still waiting to play on PC - it's already emulating very well :)

    • which emulator?

      • +1

        Haven't tried it myself. But I think Shadps4 would be the go to.

  • +1

    this is the correct link

    Your link is showing in euro

    • Thanks. It's updated.

  • +3

    Always been intimidated to try a Souls game… but something about Bloodborne seems interesting, perhaps the art style… dunno. Might give it a go.

    • +6

      Good choice. Someone will consider Bloodborne as the best souls game.

    • -1

      It's a good starting point into Soulsbourne, since it's the easiest game in the series.

      • No way. Easiest game will be Demon’s Souls. And then might be DS1/DS2. I have never seen someone consider Bloodborne as the easiest game in the series.

        • I wouldn't recommend anyone starting with DS1, it's so clunky and slow and difficult.

        • +3

          No ducking way is Demon's Souls the easiest. BB and ds3 is much easier.

          • +5

            @Aureus: Yeah, DS3 has got to be the best entry point into the series. It's fairly easy, not as clunky as other souls games but still maintains a traditional souls formula.
            From there on I would branch into DS1 or Demon's Souls.
            BB is certainly a good choice as well.

      • It's where I started but if it's your first souls, you'll likely be terrible and Bloodborne makes you grind to buy blood vials / health. That alone could put someone off.

        But it's 100% worth it.

      • I hope you're trolling mate

    • +4

      IMO Elden Ring is probably the best entry point. But I absolutely love this game. FWIW I feel the first level is the hardest for me as a newbie, I know others might disagree, but I feel there is quite a number of people who did the first level a certain way and didn't see progress and bailed early. But then the game starts to make more sense after it and it just hits sooo good.

      • +1

        I was stuck at the first level and didn't even get to cleric beast and gave up as it was too hard.

        Watched some streamer play it and picked it up again after like a year and couldn't put it down since.

      • +1

        Agree ER is the easiest. DS1 is still my favourite though, you quickly get used to the slower pace and the world / ambience / level design is amazing.

        I love them all. The only trouble with the Souls games is that all other games become a lesser experience.

    • Bloodborne was my starting point on the Souls series years ago, cannot recommend it more!

    • +1

      these guys are drunk, bloodborne is one of / if not THE MOST difficult Souls game

      Elden Ring is a walk in the park in comparison…

      also, you waited all this long to play it, wait a bit more to play at 60 fps… at 30 and considering the difficulty you may drop the game

  • We want a 60 fps version!!!! And a remake!!! and a PC version!!!

    • I would love a PC version of this. Except for their annoying and unnecessarily contrived obfuscation of stats & abilities, I don't mind the Souls-likes type games.

    • +1

      Remote play to your PC, use Lossless Scaling and double the FPS to 60. Voila.

  • -1

    Stutters like crazy on PS5, would love to play it but holding out for better performance

    • -1

      it doesn't stutter on PS5, it's capped at 30 fps really…

      • Bloodborne's stuttering isn't about the frame rate, but frame pacing. It's something of a known issue for From Software, as discussed in this Digital Foundry video about fixing it on hacked PS4.

        It's still an ongoing issue even running on the PS5, as can be seen in this video.

        Some players do say that it's a lot better on the PS5 compared to PS4, but different people will have different perception/tolerance when it comes to frame pacing.

        Subjectively, 30fps with perfect frame pacing will perform better than >60fps with uneven frame pacing.

        • yeah far from perfect, my point was the ps5 was the best place to play it right now

  • Your spiel on story is more than I got from finishing the game. I loved everything else about the game, but the storytelling could use some improvement in my opinion, I had zero idea why I was doing anything the whole time, but the combat, bosses and game world kept me entertained well enough.

    • +1

      It is not a bug, it's a feature :D
      All souls games are like that.

      • Agreed. The story is intentionally vague and the NPC questlines are intentionally confusing and you would miss a lot of it if you don't travel back and forth between lamps and try and find where they have moved. You only find out more by reading item descriptions, boss weapons and outfits etc and even then, you won't understand the full story unless you watch lore videos.

  • +3

    Bloodborne is such a great PS classic. I've played through it like 4 or 5 times and still can't get enough.

    Really needs a remaster, or just a FPS bump so it runs smoother. Don't really care for upgraded graphics.

    • +1

      Bloodborne’s a classic now? Guess Pong must be a prehistoric cave painting to you!

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