Should deals be updated when comments reveal a better bargain can be delivered?

as per my comment

the seuss books delivered in the original deal at a&r were commented upon being cheaper via bookworld and acknowledged by the op

however the op didn't update his deal to reflect this new information and so people viewing would not know about the better bargain without reading its comments

this being the case someone else posted the bookworld deal as a new bargain

imo it would have been better to just update the original bargain and not create a new but essentially duplicate deal

which is what Make it so did but then retracted -

what do you think?


  • They should be updated and can be by a power user or a moderator. Just hit the report button one of the moderators would have gladly updated. That said, we are slowly adding power users who can contribute to the deals.

  • These are not duplicate deals — they are offered by two different merchants. It's fine for Stix to post a better deal. OP of the A&R deal might wish to link to the new offer. Power users or moderators can also do the same — which I just did.

    • true - they aren't dupes - and linking the earlier deal to the latter is good

      but the 2nd deal arose out of comments in the 1st, as acknowledged by the 2nd op

      why not just update the 1st deal with the new information, especially as the 1st op acknowledged the better bargain revealed in the comments?

      note that this is particularly the case with delivered not pickup items :)

  • In hindsigt, I should have just reported the cheaper deal from the original A&R deal.

  • The original deal should have been reported as not being a bargain and been removed. Then the bookworld one 'lives on' in its own bargain thread.

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