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Free Streets Cooler Bag with Purchase of 2 Boxes of Cornettos and/or Gaytimes at Woolworths


Looking around and found this deal, not sure about quailty of the bag but hey its free. Not sure how to get it just ask when at the counter.

Also on the Golden Gaytime Facebook Page

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  • +1

    Free Streets Cooler Bag with 2 Boxes of Cornettos or/and Gaytimes

    Title makes it sound like the ice creams come with the bag, not that you get the bag when you buy the ice creams…

    Perhaps replace "with" with "when you purchase" or similar.

  • Maybe mention shop :)

    Woolworths….helping you have a gaytime ;)

    • mmmmm
      i love gaytimes.

      • +9

        yeah, the ice cream is pretty good too.

  • Are these on special currently?

    • This is the important question. Little value if they're not

    • Nope

  • Thanks Fixed it up

  • You'd hope that the outside of the bag doesn't mention anything about Gaytimes.

    • or you'd hope that it did? …depends on what you're carrying in the bag I suppose.

    • OMG…there could be homosexuals READING THIS SITE RIGHT NOW!!!!!
      Let's try and make them feel as uncomfortable as possible, amirite.

    • I hope it does, i love to have a gaytime, i'm having one in front of the computer right now. But for some reason the wife does not like them, not sure why…

  • It looks like this (Just Streets branding on it): https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151440570698610

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