Catch Of The Day...redemption

Hey all

From the last COTD post, it seems that some Ozbargainers still hold a grudge for their sale attempt last year.

So, what are your thoughts on how COTD can redeem themselves?

Mine would be for COTD to offer currently registered OzBargainers a Wii for $200! :D


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  • I've never had a problem with them. They made 1 mistake and should be offered redemption. But the community here seems to be against gambling sites (i.e. $50 for free, no catches), EBAY (Discounts), and CatchoftheDay no matter how good the deals are. Democracy in action, and it's up to COTD to make it up to the majority of people. An Ozbargain only deal would be good.

  • You guys are forgetting their 3rd world standard of service and security. Everytime u input ur CC details, some random worker there can steal it and use it. Thats just something I dont want to risk no matter how cheap the item is

    • What do u mean?

      • See

        "You tend to think that because your credit card details have been sent to a website over a secure, encrypted SSL connection that they're safe. They are NOT. For several reasons, credit card details had to be kept on the server.

        Naturally, as customer service I have to review people's orders. I noticed that every time I open up someone's order (hundreds of times a day), in the source of the page is the customer's full credit card details. This is sent from the off-site server over an unencrypted connection. Every time I viewed someone's order, the customer's credit card details were completely exposed."

        • Wow, that's an interesting read….

          "A while ago, QQQ and pals went to a store and bought 10 Nintendo Wiis from a retail store at the normal retail cost of $399. They then cut $200 off the price and resold them as part of the Birthday Bash. It was the same story for many of our headline sales.

          Ten Wiis. This wasn't a sale, this was a lottery. Sorry, let me rephrase that — this was complete bullshit.

          So they only had 10 wiis for sale when they said they had plenty, Despicable.


          "These guys have been getting better. Back when I started, orders would be marked as "dispatched" as soon as we printed a label for it, and that could be weeks before it was actually shipped. If the customer asked, the policy was to tell them it was in the post, and Australia Post was to blame — even if we knew it was collecting dust in the warehouse.

          Catch of the Day often sells stuff that it hasn't got in stock yet. Fine, but the deliveries are often late. A couple weeks ago, Catch sold Acer laptops with a $99 cashback. One of the conditions of the cashback was that you had to send in your application within two weeks of purchase. One and a half weeks later, the stock actually arrived at the warehouse. It wasn't even shipped until two weeks after the sale. A couple weren't even shipped until yesterday (3 weeks later).
          So many posts on Whirlpool about people waiting ages for their item.

          "Captain Catch is a well meaning guy, but he buys their bullshit way too much. When picking new customer service staff, they tell him not to bother interviewing the women because they "wouldn't know anything about TVs and stuff". They pull the strings and he dances. We have guys doing the thinking in the office, and girls looking pretty in the shop. Welcome to the 50s."

          Well, this certainly paints COTD in a new light. Has COTD addressed any of these issues publically? I'm guessing they'd deny it anyway.

  • some of the items they run are silly and overpriced. have REAL bargains. that might be a start.
    i'm not a computer guy but apparently the Logitech Cordless Desktop Wave Pro from today is a nice bargain. More of these and people will come around.
    Also, don't make big promises and fail to meet expectations. People don't forget (as can be seen) and will hold it against you for future purposes.
    Also, no dodgy promotions. eg. promoting plenty of Wii but only having a dozen or so in stock. same with other items (Wii is just an example)

    Or you could just send me a Wii

  • Does anyone else think that COTD have recently been selling more and more 'infomercial' type gear?
    like, i continually see ab-trainer kind of stuff on there these days, like today, there is the Power MAX, which promises better abs through vibration technology, these things have absolutely no scientific basis, and are basically scams, The one on the site today basically looks like a pole that you do exercises near. i wanna see some more proper items on there, like X-mini-max speakers for 30 bucks or whatever, stuff that is actually a bargain, not stuff that I would pay money to not have in my house.

    • It is utter crap but seeing as there are constantly advertisements on TV offering various ab workouts, then I guess there is a high demand for these products.

      • yeah, but the site used to have some class, you know? wish it would go back to how it was, its more an advertisement these days than a bargain site, imho

  • for some reason i cant find the subscribe button to this thread…
    edit: coz im an idiot, found it

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