Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 +

[PC] Steam - Humble GUILTY GEAR Bundle - $1.28/$12.17 (BTA)/$12.90 - Humble Bundle

expired [PC] Steam - Humble GUILTY GEAR Bundle - $1.28/$12.17 (BTA)/$12.90 - Humble Bundle

Another Humble Bundle bundle has dropped. Site has a new look. Bundle has three tiers as usual. Tier 1: $1.28: Guilty Gear X2 #Reload Guilty Gear Isuka Tier 2: $12.17 (BTA): GUILTY GEAR XX …


out of stock [PC, Steam] GUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR- (+DLC Characters) + REV 2 All-in-One $1.95 (97% off) - Fanatical


Insanely cheap deal for guilty gear rev 2 with all dlc characters. Just missing extra character colours and voiceovers which are not necessary to play the game. SAVE7 should save $.14 making it $1.81