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KEVIN Rudd says he still believes Labor could secure victory at next weekend's election in a win mirroring that of the 1993 Paul Keating triumph.

Speaking to the Queensland Teachers' Union in Brisbane this morning the Prime Minister said not to write him off just yet.


“We are behind but we are within reach,” Mr Rudd told his supporters.

“And I have been around long enough to know … what 1993 was like.

meets teachers

Beth, 9, finishes her breakfast as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd waits to address the teachers union and teachers at Milton in Brisbane this morning.

”(Opposition Leader) John Hewson thought he had it in the bag. But in the last couple of weeks the Australian people scratched their heads and said I don't think we can afford this bloke … and that's where we are up to right now in this campaign.”

Labor secured a slight bounce in the latest polling, but still trails well behind the Coalition.

Mr Rudd also used the speech to teachers to invoke fear over what Tony Abbott would cut if he was elected Prime Minister.

He said schools right across the country would be worse off under an Abbott government.

Mr Rudd also said the accused $70 billion worth of cuts the Coalition needed to make would result in at least 1 in 20 teachers being sacked.

“Let's look at just $20 billion of that $70 billion … that equates to 1 in 20 teachers sacked,” he said.

“There would probably be cuts to pay and conditions given what they've said on the fair work act.”

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national-news/federal-election/kevin-rudd-says-labor-can-win-2013-federal-election/story-fnho52ip-1226705501998#ixzz2dnHD8kHH